A Dash of Sult N Papper 10/27/20> “Extra… extra,… read all about it!”…


I never spent...

I never spent much time in the big cities let alone the “Big Apple” (aka; New York City) but I do remember several movies that showed the paper boy on the streets selling newspapers chanting “Extra , extra, read all about it”.

We haven’t subscribed to the Houston Chronicle in over 20 years and I can remember getting a call from the Chronicle circulation department when I cancelled our subscription.

The man on...

The man on the phone asked me why we decided to not renew our subscription. I proceeded to tell him that I thought the paper was of very good quality but we really didn’t need it any longer. We had the seven day a week delivery service so the man said if it is a money situation that they do offer a “weekend only’ subscription at a reduced cost versus the seven day subscription.

“No sir, it isn’t a money issue but I appreciate you informing me about that option”, I told him. He proceeded on with questioning me and finally I just had to tell him the truth. “We no longer need the paper, Pedro died recently." , I told him. The man said he was sorry to hear that and then asked “Pedro wasn’t the only one who read the paper was he?”

“No… no.. Pedro didn’t know how to read.. he was our pet bird.”, I told him. Click, end of call.

Even twenty years...

Even twenty years ago I was fed up with the news media and how they would slant the news. I remember it being more with the newspaper than broadcast news but that probably had to do with personalities. The local ABC station in Houston had a couple on air folks that I liked and so I might have had some bias in my thoughts.

Today I really don’t have any trust in our commercial so called “free press”. I’m sure I’m not alone in my position of not trusting them. So let me ask you a question for the folks in the US, where do you get your news from?

Naturally, I have a follow up question too. How much trust do you have in the source of news?

As things have...

As things have heated up in this presidential election cycle I have resorted to the internet to try and keep abreast of the situation.
For the past couple of weeks I have found myself over in Australia at Sky News ( skynews.com.au ) and it appears to me that those folks there are calling it like they see it being a non-involved third party when it comes to what is happening in the USA.

Sky News has a segment called #outsiders and there they tackle both Australian issues and those from other countries including the USA, Europe, and China that I've come to enjoy.

I don't know...

I don’t know a thing about Australia and how their press is protected or regulated by the government but I can tell that they speak out against their government about issues at home as well as give them credit when credit is due.
To me they have been reporting events here in what appear to be a non-biased reporting way, which I think can be trusted.

Just the other day for example I saw a segment they did on military performance being undermined by “gender, race,and LGBTQI agenda”. The militaries mentioned in that report include the USA, Canada, Australia and UK.

I had no...

I had no idea of a report by the US military that deemed the female engagement teams in Afghanistan were a failure.
I didn’t even know we were employing such all female teams and what their purpose was.

What I gathered from the reporter on the #outsiders segment was that someone in the US military thought that the female soldiers could be effective in communicating with the local female populations. The report of the US military is quoted as saying, “They were easily manipulated by the locals and proved to be largely ineffective in their intended counter-insurgency role.”

Did any of you hear about this on any of the US news outlets? I’m not sure when the report was issued by the US military so I can’t suggest how far back you might have to jog your memory. I would highly suggest you take the seven or eight minutes and watch this segment just to get an idea of the program. I’ve attached the link here to it on their YouTube channel.

I'll tell you...

I’ll tell you straight up; I don’t believe we are “enemies” with half the countries we say we are, take Russia for example.

Who in their right mind shares living space with their enemy? Maybe some people who are locked up in prison and can’t make the choice are the only ones I can think of. So why in the hell do we send folks up to the international space station and act like friends with Russia?

Can someone tell me how long we’ve been working with Russia on the international space station? I know damn well that it has been several years, maybe even a decade or more. Maybe we should do some looking back and see who was president then do some digging into potential Russian collusion or interference?

If “space” is so important, and we now have a branch of the military called the Space Force, it would seem to me that we wouldn’t want Russia to know what the hell we are doing.

I’ll give you another example concerning Russia; RT.com which is the Russia Today government sponsored news that has a news bureau here in the US, if I’m not mistaken it is in Washington, DC.

I’ve actually watched RT.com before and they did a documentary film on the Republic of Texas several years ago. It was a more honest portrayal of who we are, Texians, than the US based “news” operations who try to make us out to be vigilantes that think we are above the law. If you would like to view that documentary click here.

China, communist China...

China, communist China, which is said to be the biggest threat to the USA has been doing business with the USA since I was youngster. I can remember my father warning me that if we “keep buying cheap junk from China and they’ll someday own us.” He said that in the late 1960’s.

The trading with the enemy act went into effect in 1917 so whatever president authorized trading with China should have been charged with treason and every president since then too should be charged as well for allowing it to continue.

If Joe Biteme gets elected the US military should just usher him off the podium at the inauguration ceremony and take him into custody for treason. There is plenty of evidence on Hunter’s laptop that he been trading with them and other enemies using his son to funnel the money.

If elected he might be first president in our history who couldn’t qualify for a security clearance. Where is the cancel culture crowd when you need them? Oh… I forgot…they are in line to vote for him.

Back in the...

Back in the 1980’s I lived in an apartment a block off a road in northwest Houston named FM1960. I used to joke that a person could live their whole life and get everything they would ever need and never have to travel more than one mile.

Now, forty years later I wouldn’t be able to make that claim since a person can’t even get the truth on what the hell is going on in our country from our first amendment protected free press news media.

I’ve ranted enough for today, ya’ll take care and wash your mask at least once a week if not more.

Until next time,

Don't forget; if you want your very own ‘Vote Guzbuck in 2020" t shirt or your own “Guzbuck..I’m good.” coffee mug then check out the guzbuck_shop here.

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