A Dash of Sult N Papper 04/27/20> Announcing the winners of National Hemi Day Photo Contest…


The results are...

The results are in and, just like I predicted, the contest had exactly the number of entries I said I expected. That is my sense of knowing the odds from all the poker playing I’ve done, not over the many years, I am talking about the last six days. I’ve racked up over sixty games in six day period and if you think that won’t make you crazy; think again. So I’d say it was a successful contest all in all.

First place ...

First place $25 winner in the National Hemi Day photo contest is @bigtom13. His entry featured a photo of the dual four barreled Hemi engine in a NHRA stock class drag racing car. Just the kind of photo I had pictured in my mind of what the winning photo would be like.

Second place...

Second place $15 winner is @ericvancewalton with his father’s ’69 Dodge Charger from back in the day. A pure stock 440 / six pack beast of a muscle car.

Third place...

Third place $10 winner goes to @ericvancewalton with the best story about the car in the photo.

I took my liberty to adjust the contest seeing that only two entries were submitted and that is how third place was determined, by the story behind the car.

Thank you both for entering and congratulations to both ya’ll.

Hey, I told...

Hey, I told you all that the local Panera near me refused to take paper or coin in payment a couple of weeks back or so. Well it seems like the management has finally gotten their head out of their ass and rescinded that dumb ass policy.

I went to get my wife her cup of coffee on Sunday morning (she won’t drink my coffee I make) and I was disappointed to see the sign gone. I had put a big dip of Grizzly in when I left the house and I had a big wad of tobacco juice saved up for that sign. Oh well, at least they came to their senses and there is no problem now.

People have truly...

People have truly lost their senses in all this “Covid 19” including our local county commissioners court Judge. Today starts the “mandatory” face covering order and if you don’t comply you are subject to $1,000 ticket / fine.

I actually have set myself in pretty good position for this since I conditionally accepted the judge’s order letting her know, by public decree on here, that I will comply but I need compensated for it. I don’t work for free and I don’t work for her. She can order around all the people who work for the county; but they get paid by the county to follow orders.

I also had...

I also had another thought as well. Does this new order supersede previous codes and statutes? I don’t know for sure; but if the government can start telling me what I can and cannot wear they better go all the way down to my boots and socks.

I’m half tempted to just go buck ass naked, except for my mask of course, and see if they give me a ticket and fine for that. Ya’ll know I’m an “idiot” so I’ll just say, “but officer; I have my mask on; the judge didn’t say a word about having to wear clothes.”

Makes me wonder...

Makes me wonder if there are any nudist camps in Harris County? That would be a funny sight, all those folks wearing nothing but face masks. Even though their nudist camp would definitely be on “private property” they must still comply with the order. Stop and think about it if you will.

We no longer...

We no longer have “property rights” in this country because the government can tell you what you can and cannot do with your property. Even the cities have gotten into the act in some places by having “zoning ordinances”. That “property” (real estate) you think you own my friends you don’t “own” it. You are leasing it from your local county. Just stop paying your property taxes and you’ll find out real quickly who owns what.

I guess I will continue to try my best to get people to understand that things are not what we believe them to be. We need to take our rose colored glasses off, along with those face masks, and see things for what they really are.

Congrats again to the winners!
Until next time,

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