Alasenjärvi :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (7/366)


I hope you don't mind the heavy edit on this photo, but I thought it was kind of interesting.


Anyway. After studying a bit more, I will have to correct myself on what I claimed in the post about Darktable.

Regretfully, what I said about the workflow was a bunch of bull. As it is, in Darktable, the correct chronological order of modules in the "pixelpipe" (the pipeline, the order of the modules applied onto the picture) is fixed. Any lens or sensor corrections will always be applied first in the pixelpipe, so the chronological order of applying them in edit doesn't really matter.

So I was wrong. Ok. 😎

As you can see, I am a bit clueless still about the 'tone equalizer'. I also tried the 'filmic rgb' module on this photo, but with weird results. I am not sure how to think about this.

It does look like these things are not even that easy to learn. But I will try. And if I don't, I'll fall back to using the 'shadows and highlights' tool.

I'll go now and watch another Darktable video to educate myself.

See you again soon!

P.s. Here's another photo from the same place:


Weekly and Fresh 📷 #1

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