Dear @Dayleeo // 26th December 2k18 // best sleep in a very long time, good morning!

Oh I just had the best sleep in like forever, pumped about it, feel sharp and ready for the day. Merry Christmas and all the blessing to you as well biza! You did great with the Christmas presents for the fam! :) nice work.

Yes mam, I stepped through, got the stuff done for the day and here we are out the other side, I think for the majority once they have Christmas Day out of the way now it’s a recovery session from the gorging they did yesterday OR they double down and go in extra hard today!

think i’m gonna go and get some supplies for today, the old stomach is rumbling and I need to get that sorted before I can get actually get anything done today, looking forward to having comms with you at some point today so we get that trello board booming and sorted, maybe a fresh start 2019 one? :)

This week is my favourite week, from now until the new year, it’s just a vacuum week between THE DAY and the NEW YEAR for sure, but it can be super productive for me energy wise, I really like it a lot, I can get a ton of stuff done within it, in fact, I need to because it’s nagging at me to get done! :)

These gifs are wild, are they like lots of expressions of POTATOES or what, it’s kinda tripping me out a little bit — very quick update today, I wanna get a good solid walk in today and focus up on this template…. Fast forward, update..

. .. I’ve done my walk, I got some supplies, I’m eating my breakfast and I’m about to get my first coffee on of the day, boy is already into work/pursuit mode - made myself a lovely bacon and egg on French stick sandwich to boot, powering

Feeling good today for sure, that over nine hours really hit the spot let me tell you, little walk, breakfast, cup of coffee to my left and I’m about to go in on my supplements for the win, favourite time of the year for crushing all the things, combi between client work and course stuff, can’t beat it.

Looking forward to getting out scheduling on track when you wake up love, let’s get it! :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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