Having Fun At Work - Surfer Taking Over The Green Houses 🌶️

'People who are stressed, do something wrong. They don't enjoy their jobs.' - Karl Lagerfeld

These are wise words, Karl! But you must admit one thing: it's a great gift to find pleasure in something that even pays your bills. Don't you think? So let's be grateful.

Dad left for a business trip and I'm alone with the whole business for two days. What does the mouse do when the cat is not at home? Yip. Dance! :-)

Daddy's Girl

To those who are new to my blog: I still don't earn my money through surfing.

But that's actually not an issue. I love what I do. I'm kind of a farmer, a hot pepper and tomato farmer to be precise. 

15 years ago, my dad founded a company that produces and exports seeds on an international level. Today we provide the largest amount of hot pepper seeds in the world and deliver them to clients all over the planet.

Last summer I quit my office job in order to get into my dad's buiness. 

Everything was completely new to me which was actually a big plus. I love trying new things!

Dad showed me everything I needed to know to be able to run the business on my own just in case he had to leave for a couple of days. I learned fast even though it's almost impossible to achieve the knowledge he has. His brain is a living dictionary, it's amazing! 

One of the things I like most about working with my dad is the fact that he has an incredible personality and I feel blessed to learn from him every single day.

This picture was taken yesterday in the afternoon.

This one, too. 

It was incredibly hot (like 30 degrees Celsius or more), so I decided to refresh myself a bit. At that point of time I had still no idea that everything was supposed to go wrong the next day...

Did you know that the chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet? 

It's called Murphy's Law.

Well I learned the hard way who Murphy is today's morning. When I arrived at the green houses I first checked the water tank which is filled automatically over night. Well usually it's like that.

My heart stopped beating when I looked into the tank. It was half empty. OMG!

I tried to switch on the according water pumps, but nothing happened.

Excellent. I had no other opportunities than calling dad in order to explain my problem. After some instructions through the phone we figured out that the water supply from the outside was dead. There was no water arriving at the green houses at all. 

So dad told me to wait while he wanted to call the person who is responsible for the pipelines and supply.

After a while that person arrived at the green houses. He apologized for the inconveniences and told me that the water supply for our area had been switched off by mistake last night, but that everything was running well now.

Even though there was water in the hoses again, the pump that runs our filter system was broken. Some pieces burned through when the pipes were drained dry. 

Why again did that need to happen while dad was away? Ah, because of Murphy...

To make the story short: we needed to change the mentioned pump, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to water the plants. It took me half of my day to fix it, but then everything was running as it should. 

Look what Dad commented on my related FB post:

Translation: The costs for the here demonstrated loss of water can be balanced with Bitcoins, if this is more comfortable for you hahaha.

I love him still.

So be careful having fun at work and talking about it in social media. Your boss may be around commenting :-)

Best of luck,
Marly - 

PS: Who to follow today? @hastla and @heastbistdeppad, for being the kindest and funniest Austrian guys I've ever come to know in my life :-)

Today's album 📷
(Pics were taken after the incident, Dad. Just for the records, ha!) 

Hot pepper: "Pusztagold" | Love the coloring! 

Hot pepper: "Sweet Cayenne" | What a cool shape!

Hot pepper: "Paradeisfrüchtiger Gelber" | Wow, that guy is bigger than the plant!

Hot pepper: "Cascabel" | And a kind of exhausted Vice-President :-D

Pictures are all taken by myself (in my free time, Daddy).

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