What's the time?? TimeStretch Adonis in action.. DADADADADADADADA drawings on MYTHOLOGY!

Yo yo yo yo yo yo !!
What have I been up to >??

Well .. .you guess. .

Timestretch Adonis and Snailmo.png

See this guy>? Named him Time-Stretch Adonis.. See some meanings there?

The pink glasses he has been wearing all his youth are too small for his big head now...
The time is running (him over ?) as he keeps the Snail close to his heart..


Has been my symbol in the kindergarten.. and it stuck with me.. slow but steady, with his house on his back.. (that is the part I'm still missing.. A VAN! To move around and live in.. a lifelong dream)

Snailmo1 Story.png

what did u say? ? >> UR slow man!!! >>> Smash it ! UR well behind time!

NEXT!! !


MYTHOLOGY!! ! I never made it to do a full post and contribute to @juliakponsford 's Artexplosion.. .
Will I ever make it ? It takes time for me to absorb digest and work on a topic..

See what Have I been doing in the course.. As well as reading J.Campbell's Hero of Thousand Faces, I have been meditating on the topic and drawing... 'fcourse!

Mythology is all about masks .. the scary masks our elders put on, to scare us to death and foster respect. The mask you will have to put on once you grow up.. to do the same to your children and pass the story on..

just a ride.png
.. it's all just a ride.. quite a scary and painful one at times.. but the one you chose to take ;0)

Since I'm Quoting Bill Hix here, gotta mention the vid. i've seen.. Bill Hicks is Alex Jones
Put a bug inside my head ... :D

Owls are not what they seem to be.. Living in a world where one doesn't know what is a myth and what isn't ..

My drawing for ABSTRACT BULL thread on dada.nyc



I've had a few ideas for threads on DADA and one of them was the ALPHABET..

Let's see how long will it take to get to Ž (Last letter of Czech alphabet) :D

Called it: DeathGate still on the MyTHOLOGY inspiration vibe.. The Heavenly light is reflected from the remnants of earthly shell to reveal the spirit in the darkness.. PORTRAIT OF A SHADOW is the name of the conversation..
DeathGATE Story.png


PS.: The single images are all by me - @furius
The conversations are made of pictures by different members of dada.nyc community.. Individual names stated under each respective image.

Check my other art posts:
Drawing lines on DADA
Break Boundary = Unlock Potential . . My DADA action so far
CyBitch on DADA.nyc
Ladies, Straws and Agent Smith
I call-her-Mona
My friend Christina

I also host a show on MSP Waves Radio each Monday 10PM UTC called SOUNDS of the UNDERGROUND. I play cool tunes and talk about stuff :D

Join us on Peace Abundance and Liberty Discord, home of Minnow Support Project

ALL THE BEST to YOU! May you succeed and find joy on Steemit and beyond! .. especially beyond ;D

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