Dad Tip of the Day: Injuries

Dad Tip of the Day: Injuries will happen, but do your best to prevent them, and be prepared in the case of an emergency.

When I was a kid, I got plenty of injuries. Blood and stitches were a regular occurrence, but I survived. As dad’s we need to do what we can to help our kids prevent injuries, but understand they will happen, so be prepared.

Be prepared for me means having medical supplies close by at all times. Jacob sliced his foot on a seashell running along the beach last summer – it was quite a gusher and ruined a couple of towels. However, we were able to get the bleeding stopped and treat the cut properly to prevent infection as we had a first aid kit close by.

In addition to the home first aid kits, my wife and I each carry one in our vehicles. It never hurts to be prepared for injuries. It is not fun to think about, but it is also necessary to know how dislodge things stuck in kid’s throats as well as CPR for kids. A little bit of knowledge and effort can save a life, so take the time to get educated and trained.

We do our best to prevent injuries by having a safe house –large things are tethered to the walls, the edge of the brick mantel has a bumper on it, and the house is kid-proofed in a sensible way. Having some safeguards will not stop everything, but it will help.

We have been fortunate not to have had any ambulance trips yet, so here Jacob is checking it out for fun:


So be prepared – both for some injuries to happen, but also to overcome them through fast, accurate treatment. Kids are great treasures… protect them as best possible!

I appreciate you coming by today!


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