Procrast A Nation


Great news! The USA isn't getting a giant coal of government shutdown in its stocking after all.

JIC you've, infact, been living in a hole-in-the-ground...
For the 3rd time in months, lawmakers had a deadline to pass a bill to keep DC's lights on. Just like Cinderella, they had until midnight or the spell would be broken. Yesterday, the House and Senate managed to at least hug and make-up... for now... again. It puts off a lot of issues they were hoping to resolve this year into January.

DACA, the program that protects hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the US as kids from being deported. Trump said he's getting rid of it, but gave Congress six months to replace it.

Also, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), you know the one that covers millions of kids, is about to die. The temporary bill includes some funding, but not nearly enough for the year.

Also, minor things like defense spending... yeah. As a member of a family (4 gens back) in the military, you can guess what the talk is when I call home to my Washington, DC veteran mom. We didn't have enough issues as it is.


Lawmakers get to put up their out-of-office holiday signs now. Like ghosts, all these problems will be waiting for them next year. Happy holidays.

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