FUTURE ENERGY (FGY) Uses Renewable Energy Sources with Zero Operational Components

Renewable energy sources that get their energy from the sun, gas, wind, water etc., directly or indirectly, such as hydro and wind, are expected to be able to supply human energy for almost another 1 billion years, where the predicted point of increase in heat from the sun is expected make the earth's surface too hot so that liquid water can exist.

It's no secret that the main cost of mining cryptocurrency is electricity. This trend will continue due to the development of the cryptocurrency and Blockchain industries. The ASIC revolution in technology used for bitcoin mining will end soon. The ASIC chip format for mining approaches the nanometer limit of Moore's Law. Great future growth in chip production is not possible.

This results in the commodification of chips which means they become simple commodities in the eyes of the market or consumers and suddenly drops in value. This will result in producers being forced to concentrate on mass production to benefit from volume, rather than using technological advances. , the bitcoin mining industry will experience a transition to the condition of overproduction of equipment. Determinants of production are electricity, not equipment efficiency.

We are in front of this global race without competitors, our energy costs are zero when we invest in green energy generation in the construction phase. Our energy plant provides free green energy with a plant life of 40 years. Our inventions and technology are able to process various types of gases such as Landfill gas, biogas and gas from abandoned wells into electricity, and our own cellular mining module will ensure constant and stable consumption.

Landfill gas is a natural product of solid domestic decomposition and industrial waste. Production and consumption of waste really takes second place in environmental pollution after an accident in an oil pipeline.

We solve recycling problems by providing ourselves with renewable sources of electricity for our mining modules. Establishment of unsustainable landfill gas that gives us free raw materials for our facilities. In this scheme, electricity generation methods not only do not damage the environment but also reduce the impact Negatives from landfill gas and Future Energy receive electricity for mining with zero cost operational components.

DESCRIPTION benefit if join in this project
-Penggunaan token from the first day of purchase
During the project, we will install the modules mining on agricultural land in our electricity rates $ 0.05
After completing the installation, the cost of kW / h will be 0. This ensures profitable mining -
We produce our own electricity and are not dependent on the central electricity network and their tariffs -
Plants are fully automatic and do not require maintenance personnel. No raw materials needed

  • ecologically clean way to get energy
    Our developments in power generation completed a number of environmental problems, substantially reducing emissions of CO2 and H2S
    We have a security system developed internally for mining module and software protection

Website: http://icoenergy.org/
Whitepaper: https://icoenergy.org/docs/WP_eng.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/futureenergyeng/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Future___energy
Telegram: https://t.me/futureenergygo
Ann Threads: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5035072


Bitcointalk profile url:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1962041

Eth address :0x004171Ad5E3Bd7f770dFF99B06B2A9cf2Da21778

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