Cryptocurrency can make Social Security program obsolete

Most of the disabled are capable of producing videos, watching videos and writing. Hell, many people enjoy watching that kind of content we produce for one reason or another. Sometimes we're insightful, sometimes we're entertaining, depending on the disability. Hell just look at videos of nothing more than an old man just talking about what things were like back in the good old days or daily vlogs similar to Logan Paul but instead of doing stupid bullshit it's an elderly couple doing misc crap, or you'll have a deaf guy like myself talking abut various things that pertain to my life in it's isolation and occassionally wrecking a feminist myth like the earnings gap to show what real discrimination looks like by using a real world demographic (My Demographic).

There's a hell of a lot that the disabled are going to be able to accomplish without the need of having government programs in the future. Granted there may be some disabled people who wouldn't be able to really make a hell of a lot of content themselves, examples might include those with severe mental retardation or the deaf blind (like Helen Keller) who use tactile signing which isn't that great for use among the sighted nor the hearing and then again very few deaf know tactile signing to begin with. But all the same, with very few examples of those that would still have a legitimate reason to be on things like social security disability programs, numerous others, including myself, can potentially get off of disability payments and make ends meet and potentially have a greater life by not having to deal with the bullshit of discrimination from employers nor having to deal with bullshit involving the US government trying to dictate what a living wage is while still keeping almost everyone on disability payments at or below the poverty line.

I'll admit in person, I have severe communication issues, you'd probably be amazed how often I end up having to ask someone to repeat themselves 4 or 5 times only to get "Nevermind" which kinda sucks because I'm really trying hard to understand what's being said, but lip reading kinda sucks ass. Not to mention being socially awkward as I've never really learned how to socialize with other people in person so I end up making myself look like a fool on a regular basis, but then again the blockchain's cryptocurrencies abound can potentially help me come out of my own shell, and potentially help me get off disability payments and food stamps. Cryptocurrencies can potentially also help me pay for any and all medical bills I'm going to acquire largely due to the fact that I seriously want to correct my hearing. I was born with profound hearing loss and by the time I was 10 I was already considered "Deaf". Hell coming out of my shell is why I started up with steemit and to begin with (My channel!/c/outtheshellvlog ) for those interested.

I honestly think the blockchain is going to be able to do a lot of things for a lot of people. Not just regular folks trying to abuse the system, but the disabled as well. Doesn't matter the disability, if they have cerebral palsy, double amputee, deaf, blind, whatever have you.Crumbnail.jpg

Overall, there's a great potential I see for the future for the disabled, because I'm seeing cryptocurrencies from my own eyes, the eyes of someone who's an amputee, who's deaf and sadly going blind. I'm not there yet personally as I'm sure you're aware on account that you can see how much posts are making here, but in the future? Oh yeah baby, I intend to be able to get off disability payments and food stamps and crap like that and actually live off some form of income that I'm personally responsible for earning and to be able to better take care of myself and my hearing.

And for the love of fucking all things holy I really need a better prosthetic leg.

I'm focusing more on and steemit than I am YouTube and I've completely stopped using Bitchute/Spkout at this point in favor of this platform. Because I hope for it's future and I hope for myself a better one with the blockchain.

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