The Panmunjom Declaration, Had Been Booked in The Ethereum Blockchain

The Panmunjom Declaration made Friday at the end of April (27/04/18), marks a milestone between the South Korean government and North Korea. It is remembering for the first time that the meeting between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean President Kim Jong-un agreed to completely disarm nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula for the peace mission of both countries after 65 years.

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Interestingly, that the Panmunjom Declaration, had been booked in the Ethereum blockchain at the exact moment of the signing of the agreement. It is Ryu Gi-hyeok, a 27-year-old North Korean male who recorded the historic event.

Reporting from Coindesk, that Ryu Gi-hyeok is a game developer. Ryu accidentally put the text of the declaration into the Ethereum blockchain, with a special tagline that read "There will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula".

"I think it has taken so long for South and North Korea to be able to find a way to each other ... As a developer, I try to find ways to be able to contribute to that historic event. After I found the Panmunjom declaration text on the Blue House page, then I recorded it in Ethereum. "

It was written in Coindesk that Ryu was inspired by activists at the MeToo Movement event in China. One of the activists moved against the viral harassment in October 2017 when it uncovered dozens of women who accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment for 30 years. The activist also recorded a moment of resistance with the "metoo" hastag into the blockchain, to remain immutable.

Panmunjom Declaration Text that has been saved and recorded into Blockchain Ethereum by Ryu Gi-hyeok. You can see here

Efforts made by Ryu, instantly got a lot of praise, especially from various universities in China. They voiced a lot of support that also uses blockchain as the medium.

Still in April before, there was also one brokerage company called TD Ameritrade that put ads into Blockhain Bitcoin. Apparently, such efforts would be a separate trend that may be pursued by various circles.

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