RIDESTORY - My un-epic failure

My story is not epic at all.
If anything - it is dumb.

I ride mostly through the city.
The streets are not very safe for bikers, but if I follow certain routes it is better.

The story is about an accident I had one day.
I was riding on an empty street at pretty fast speeds. (I usually ride on the and gear, because I want to have stronger legs.)

As I am riding by, I notice the sexiest girl I have seen in weeks. Not only that, but she was also wearing thin and tight clothes.
My attention was captured.
And before I realized it, I crashed into a parked car.
A parked one!
I flew up and landed on the roof of the car.
(It was not very tall.)

The girl, of course, laughed and kept on running.
As for me - I had luck that the owner of the car wasn't angry.

Other than my pride, I wasn't very hurt.

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