Wet and Windy Saturday Cycle

It's been a few weeks since I've seen my daughter as she has been holidaying. Friends who live not too far from her have just had a baby, and so today I decided to visit them both.

The forecast looked mixed and rather off-putting for a bike ride, but to get to my friends village I needed the wheels and so decided to face whatever was in store. When I set off the sun was shining, although it was a bit chilly. I stopped to put my jacket on after initially trying to brave it, and would much prefer riding in blistering heat - with a lot of water on board.

Nottingham Forest FC's ground is right next to the River Trent. They aren't my team, but it would be nice to see them back in the Premier League at some point.










Looking at the photos, it seems like a nice day to be out and about doesn't it? Although the puddles look ominous.

Well, not long after I but the phone away it started to rain and the wind picked up. From my time in Valencia and regularly cycling to and from work, I learned that the main factor to journey speed is the wind, and today the ride too much longer than usual.

It was worth the trip though, I had lunch with my daughter and the meal cost me 1200 calories - just about made those back!


My friends seem very relaxed about their new family member which was really nice to see. The baby seems happy too, and I think they'll do a fine job. My buddy, who is a keen cyclist, pumped up my tires and gave me a waterproof for the ride home. I text him earlier to say thanks, as it rained for the whole journey. He was out for a run which he cut short due to the conditions - not the best day for outside activities, but overall I'm happy I went out.

Got in, had a coffee, fell asleep :)


How has your Saturday been?



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