Validators weekly activity review and a CyberWay hardfork

Dear members of the CyberWay community!

We’re happy to present our weekly review of CyberWay validators’ activities.

A quick reminder - you can hop into our block explorer ( at any time to track the productivity of validators. Each of our reports is to provide you with the most recent and coherent data for the last 7 days.

For the tables we’ve used such metrics as a number of blocks missed, reward fees percentage and blockchain add-ons as for November 28 - December 4. Note that the inactive validators are not listed down below:

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Thanks to all our validators for the software update.

We remind you that a noticeable escalation in the amount of the blocks missed happened during the last week due to temporary node shutdown that was executed in view of an upgrade to v.2.0.3 version we’ve recently announced.

At the moment, in CyberWay, HF adoption is taking place through social consensus. We accepted this mechanic from EOS 1.7.2. There is a need in validators to agree on a software update and switch to it centrally.

There is no update procedure in the protocol meaning the development team will need to implement it so that the decentralized network automatically reaches consensus.

At the moment, most 2/3 + 1 validators (according to our information) have switched to a new version of the node. The same thing comes to the public seed nodes.

With an update, 429 thousand CYBER were returned to account balances, which users can use and vote for active validators. If any of the validators did not update the code of their node, then when a user votes with a returned balance, such a validator will fork its own node from the main network.

Thanks to our validators such as @lex, @vik, @ropox, @solox, @ladyzarulem, @psk, @steepshot, @denis-skripnik, @atticlabcway (besides the ones behind the @cyberwaydev team) who started upgrading their nodes right away after the HF announcement. And thanks to all the others who were also quick to join the process. We tried to make our team available for any technical issues on the way!

As usual, we would like to express our gratitude to the most generous validators, especially the ones who have managed to adjust their reward rates since we’ve started publishing our validator reports. Thank you so much for your awareness as well as for being engaged to this impeccable extent.

Please note! The public seed nodes are extremely important to CyberWay. Having them in abundance does increase the resiliency of the network infrastructure and ensures smooth and reliable work of the network even in case force-majeure events leading to a shutdown of existing seed nodes (e.g., as a result of an accident / political or legal problems / natural disasters / as a matter of disconnection / human factor / etc.).

Dear Validators! Help CyberWay expand by setting a seed node on your own. Send the addresses of your seed nodes in the form of a pull-request to the public list:

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