Cybersecurity Notice!

If you have accounts that are capable of supporting 2-factor authentication, please enable it! Hackers do not target individuals, as they have elaborate applications and scripts that crawl the web looking for weak accounts. Once one is identified through those autonomous means, the hacker will be alerted so that they can focus on the low-hanging fruit.

Don't let yourself be a soft target! Set up your 2FA today!

I recommend the Authy application (available in Apple App Store and Google Play Store) as it will accept Google Authenticator tokens, and allows you to encrypt them with a password, so if you lose your phone (or it gets stolen), you can recover them without leaving your authenticators vulnerable and accessible in the cloud.

There are still some vulnerabilities to any mobile phone based authenticator setup, and for those with more worries than compromise, I recommend a YubiKey. You can store authenticator seed codes inside the Yubikey (so that even if your Yubikey is stolen, the keys cannot be accessed), and can back up the seed codes somewhere secure (like a password manager) so you can get back up and running if that Yubikey was lost!

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