@@Saving my steem for a new Cuter

CUTEr (Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment, revisited) is an open source testing environment for optimization and linear algebra solvers.
CUTEr provides a collection of test problems along with a set of tools to help developers design, compare, and improve new and existing test problem solvers.

CUTEr is the successor of the original Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment (CUTE) of Bongartz, Conn, Gould and Toint.
[1] It provides support for a larger number of platforms and operating systems as well as a more convenient optimization toolbox.


The test problems provided in CUTEr are written in Standard Input Format (SIF).[2] A decoder to convert from this format into well-defined subroutines and data files is available as a separate package. Once translated, these files may be manipulated to provide tools suitable for testing optimization packages. Ready-to-use interfaces to existing packages, such as IPOPT, MINOS, SNOPT, filterSQP, Knitro and more are provided. The problems in the CUTE subset are also available in the AMPL format. [3]

More than 1000 problems are available in the collection, including problems in:
linear programming,
convex and nonconvex quadratic programming,
linear and nonlinear least squares, and
more general convex and nonconvex large-scale and sparse equality and inequality-constrained nonlinear programming.


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