"Porn for Pay? New Bill Will Force Citizens To Pay & Register With Gov't.

George Orwell is alive and well in the state of Rhode Island--or so it seems. A new law (should it pass) forces all R.I. residents to register with the state and pay a $20 fee to view online porn.

If your first thought is: "Good," think again.

This bill, S2584, introduced last week by Sen. Hanna Gallo and Sen. Frank Ciccone (D-Providence), will require internet providers to digitally block pornography in the entire state. In order to remove this block, residents will have to pay a $20 fee to the state. This bill includes all internet-enabled devices and requires they must be equipped with "a digital blocking capability that renders inaccessible sexual content and/or patently offensive material."

Hmmmm...exactly what does "patently offensive material" mean?

Unfortunately in today's environment it could mean just about anything.

For instance, the Bible says the cross of Christ is an "offense" to those who are perishing. Why? Because salvation comes solely through the finished work of Christ on the cross. It requires that we repent of unbelief and put our faith in Christ alone. It renders all other so-called ways to heaven false. It demands a decision few are willing to make and excludes all who refuse. Offensive? You bet it is.

A wise man once said; "This true, offensive Gospel will never be accepted by the world and its ungodly system or the prince of darkness who oversees it. It will always be a scandal, an offense, a sword between those who follow it and those who refuse it." -- Josef Urban, The Offense of the Cross

"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18


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