How Bangabandhu-1 Satellite will benifit us

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is fine. Today I've come with some valuable information about our recently launched Statellite.

The Bangabandhu Satellite-1 (BS-1) is the first Bangladeshi communication orbiter & is expected to meet the the need of a connectivity facility.
Bangladesh's annual expenditure for Satellite connectivity was around $14 Million. The cost is due to renting bandwidth from foreign operators.

Due to some technical issue it was delayed a lot to launch but after a long wait, at last the BS-1 had been launched on 11 May, 2018.

Source: Wikipedia

Falcon 9 rocket launching with Bangabandhu-1. Source: SPACE-X.

It was manufactured in France and launched from Florida. The launching operation was operated by a company named SPACE-X.
This is that company who operated the "First Men in Moon" operation APOLLO-13 in 1964

They used their brand new rocket named Falcon-9 in the launching of BS-1.
Falcon-9 Rocket is the latest version of Falcon series. It has some ultra-modern features.

Now it is on it's way of the specific orbit. But we have to wait around 3 month to get the full advantage of BS-1.
The satellite will be located at the 119.1 east geostationary slot which will cover the SAARC counties as well Indonesia, Philippine, Myanmer, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkestan and a part of Kazakhastan.

What kind of benifit we will get from the Satellite?

Some of we are thinking we will get advantage of using Internet through the Satellite.
But it's wrong.( frown emoticon)
Internet connection doesn't fully depend over Satellite.
Only some of the feature of Internet depends over it such as using GPS.
In order to say only two or three percent of Internet facilities runs through Satellite.
And others are depend on Submarine Cable.
An uncountable number of Submarine Cables are lied under the seas to serve us.
All of our Internet connections are being established through these cables.
Cables are connected through country to county. We've two landing station of Submarine Cable in our country.
So it is clear that we'll not get a lot of Internet advantage due to the Satellite but will get a few.
So, don't be hopeful that broadband or data pack's price will be reduced. (tongue emoticon)

Private TV Channel Operators and Direct-To-Home (DTH) as alternative of cable Television service providers will be the main consumers of the Satellite, according to officials.
Bangladeshi satellite television channels that have a large viewership in the Middle East countries are expected to become the main commercial user of the first Bangladeshi satellite.

However, BTRC chairman Shahjahan Mahmood said: “These problems are very simple to solve. We have the opportunity to access other facilities through collaborating with other satellites.
-Data collected from "Prothom Alo"

We'll get a faster Broadcasting System due to the BS-1.
DTH services always provide faster access to worldwide television media but currently there are only two government issued companies in our country named Beximco & Buyer Media LTD.
Now there will be a big change and faster access to global Television entertainment.

The satellite will make video distribution easier too. The broadcasters can effortlessly distribute their content to intermediaries like cable TV network operators or re-broadcasters like DTH operators.
The satellite will have VSAT private networks consisting of voice, data, video and internet services to the banks, corporate offices etc. The service will be delivered using Ku-Band in the Bangladesh and the India Plus coverage regions and using C-Band beams, according the BTRC.

Despite the Weather Dept. as well as the defence sector will also benifit from the Satellite.
The BS-1 will help to bring uninterrupted telecommunication during disasters like cyclone or tornado. It will also play a role in telemedicine, e-learning, research and DTH services. It will be able to count holdings as well as measure population density.

In the event of unexpected disasters hitting the country, telecommunication system in Bangladesh might be unavailable. During such emergency situations, satellite network can play an important role in ensuring uninterrupted telecommunication services in the country.
The remote areas of the country like the coastal area will have much better internet connectivity.

In the conclusion,
Benificial side isn't only one. It is a matter of our pride. We are the 57th country who have their own Satellite. Our mission of Space named "Mohakashe Bangladesh" is successful. It again proved that we're on the way of Digitalization.

Thanks to the Bangladesh Goverment & thanks to the every person who was behind the scene of our Success.


Information Collected from:
- Prothom Alo
- The Daily Star
- Dhaka Tribune
- Wikipedia
- Space-X official
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