Ever Been Paid To Stream Media? Get Currency (CRNC)


The advances in Blockchain products have hit another height. It is a very amazing scenario to find out that Blockchain has more value than just Cryptocurrency! Why you may ask? Just looking at the potential of its other applications.

One of these applications in here from current.us — the Currency Token (CRNC). Now CRNC has emerged in a field that was almost least expected. Guess which? it’s the media industry.

One of the features touted from Blockchain technologies is the transparency and all round inclusivity, anti-fraud and such. With Blockchain, the public ledger is not a mean feat to play trickster against. Now the idea of CRNC itself is born of transparency and a smart contract under the Ethereum Blockchain.


It also has some relations with both Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), but for itself, it’s a pure token paid out after streaming of media to all stakeholders, paid according to a set protocol and algorithm behind it. For almost a first time we have a consumer getting paid for streaming videos, songs from platforms like YouTube and Soundcloud.

CRNC is rolling out the ICO and it will be a great idea to get into that. Even if you are sparkling with interest and no cash, Bitcoin or Ether, join us in the referral program and earn 400CRNC at maximum worth around $ 100, by just referring your friends to join the platform. And for your information, joining is as simple as presenting a virtual form to out end composed of your email address and full names.

Download at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/current-music-video-radio/id1213495204

The Currency (CRNC) Stakeholders Map

Every industry has a map of stakeholder and it is an important scene to be able to map them out especially if you are to undertake marketing. For Currency (CRNC) the stakeholder’s map can be scoped out as below;

Consumer- A party or person that streams the media and pays the charges in terms of subscriptions for the same. Their consumption could be triggered by different motives ranging from pure leisure, search for information or business opportunities and such.

Given that CRNC runs on apps, they can choose to stream at any time and at any place with internet connections. Under the CRNC tokens, the time consumed, the advert impressions made and data that was sheared amounts to compensation under the protocol provided.


Curator — a party that takes it upon themselves to do the organizing and uploading the contents onto the networks. They carry a responsibility for ensuring quality and balancing of expectations.

Creator –The party that carries the ultimate responsibility for the content being displayed. They have boundaries to observe like moral and ethical aspects of what they allow as validated content for streaming. The online platform may be hast but that does not mean that the creator’s fault on the ethics and morality. The law enforcement can charge them for violating the set standards for contents.


Referrers- This are parties responsible for sharing and inviting other new subscribers. Refers take the role of business agents or pioneers and spread the word encouraging others to join.

Growth Pool- This is the portion of tokens that is due for transfers within the network. The value of it should be at equilibrium so that optima liquidity of supply and demand is met adequately.

WEBSITE : https://tokensale.current.us/index.html
TELEGRAM GROUP : https://t.me/CurrentCRNC
ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2829644.0
BOUNTY THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2831598.0
My BCT profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1297831

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