IFC application for Curie community building support.

Hello Curie.

Before I start I'd like to say thank you for the opportunity to potentially receive some assistance for our community and also for what you do for steem in general.

I tried to apply once before in November and was recently notified that you've had some complications and that I should try to reapply.

It was suggested to me that I should make the application shorter this time as well, so I'm going to do that. But if you would like more information you can check out the older application that I did here.


Also feel free to get in touch with me directly and ask any questions if you would like to. Now.. Onto the application.

Application Information:

  1. What is your community / project and what is its purpose here on Steem?

Our community is the Information Finding Championship and the Information Finding Channel.

The Championship is a game/contest and the Channel is a P2P marketplace.

Image credit @bitpizza

Our contest started in January of 2018, the Marketplace came into being a number of months after that. Our purpose here on steem is broad and diverse though essentially it is to help each other learn and grow and to be a positive force in the world.

  1. How much support are you seeking per month for the two-month period?

We are asking for 165 steem total, so that would be 82.5 steem per month. Though we will be happy with any support no matter how small.

  1. How will this support be used?

Right now I am offering 100 steem for the grand prize in our contest, plus 25 steem for second place and 10 steem for third, additionally I'm paying 10 steem each to the three regular judges which equals 30 steem for their judging duties.

If we received 165 steem I would be able to double all of the prizes and double pay for the judges as well, and.. I mean.. We could certainly always use more to help pay for guest judges, and advertising and things for the Marketplace, etc.. Though, 165 steem is the total of what I've personally invested this season outside of a little bit to pay for guest judges. So if Curie were to match that I would be very grateful and I'm sure the players and judges would be as well.

  1. Approximately how many users participate in your community or project?

We have 180 people on our discord channel and last season we had 39 players score at least one point in our contest and probably around double that many who played in the game. I'm not exactly sure how many judges and guest judges we had.. But it was over 20 all together, most of those were guest judges or part time with only a few who were full time.

It's been slower in our second season than the first one and I think that is mainly because the value of steem is down significantly and steem itself seems quieter in general, so far we have had 18 players, and 3 regular judges plus 3 guest judges. The marketplace has been slower as well, though we did just have a few new shops open up recently.

  1. How will supporting your community or project help grow the Steem community?

I think if the prizes were greater that it would attract more players both on steem and from elsewhere.

I've been trying to pull people over from other social media and if we had the support of Curie I think it would be even more incentive to pull people over.

I think if our game ever got to be really well known that it could be a major positive advertising force for steem sort of like Steemmonsters or Drug Wars or other popular games on the platform.

Another thing is I've had a number of players tell me they likely would have quit posting on steem if it wasn't for our game keeping them engaged and giving them ideas to post about so I think we help with retention as well.

  1. What is your Discord name and number? (Optional - This may also be sent privately to @randomwanderings#9929 on Discord.)

Here's my discord contact info apolymask#5473

I was informed to tag @randomwanderings as well and.. Here's a few extra thoughts in closing.

It looks like our players received 10 curies during our first season.
And so far I'm pretty sure our players have received 5 curies during the second season.

It seems like we would be a good match since our players are already being rewarded by Curie somewhat regularly for their entries into our contest.

I will continue to fund and run this contest and community as long as I reasonably can because I believe in it very passionately and strongly, we also have quite a few witnesses and sponsors who support us as well.

In a sense, even though we started in the beginning of 2018. I feel like we're still only just getting started and that we have a bright and exciting future ahead. Especially if we can get more support on the platform and bring more awareness to what we are doing.

I've heard and seen so many humbling and amazing things in our community, I think we can achieve a lot in time and I believe our community has a ton of potential and any assistance would be much appreciated.

Thank you again for considering our application and for what you do for steem in general. Have a great day!

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