@bebeth and @reveur project. The power of knowledge | Curie Community Building Support Application

This publication is the official application to obtain the support of the witness @Curie and @randomwanderings. If you would like to know more about this noble initiative carried out by the witness #13 of the Steem blockchain, read the following publication.

Dear @curie team, dear @randomwanderings and other readers interested in our proposal.

Receive a fraternal greeting charged with gratitude for their noble initiative. We firmly believe that there are very good ideas on the platform that, if carried out, would benefit many people but, for one reason or another, have not yet been done. Yours desire to support the community directly attack this problem and gives the possibility to carry out various wonderful proposals able to bring a lot of value to the platform. Therefore, and for their impeccable work as curators of this blockchain , we give you our heartfelt thanks.

We are the witness @Castellano, a project carried by users and for users that groups together a set of sub-projects with specific objectives, all linked in one way or another to education porpose.

We are convinced that the Steem blockchain has social factors like no other existing blockchain technology. We have voting systems to elect representatives who make decisions that directly influence the platform, we have communities grouped by culture, geography, hobbies, arts, crafts. We have a currency that is supported by a macroeconomic system similar to that of a country. We see Steem as a nation.

We believe faithfully that the most cherished capital of a nation does not lie under the ground or in its stock market, the jewel of a nation is constituted by every exemplary Citizen who forms the society it possesses. Citizen, with capital "C", because the word deserves it, because it contains a set of ethical and moral values that are able to lead to success to the most disadvantaged of nations.

Education is the blood that flows through the veins of every citizen, it is the nectar that nourishes it, empowers it and gives it the ability to carry out ideas that transform the reality of the collective.

@reveur Project

The @reveur project is the place where users become Citizens of this blockchain. The goal of the project is to provide all Hispanic users (new and experienced), the tools needed to ensure their success in the platform and in the off-chain life. This is achieved from our Discord server, where we carry out daily educational activities of various types hosted by professionals with university experience; in addition, a team of executives keeps ready to receive all the new users with open arms to answer each of their doubts. Every so often, special activities are carried out solely to answer questions regarding the operation of the Steem blockchain and other related questions.

Throughout the 1 year history of this citizen's University, more than 500 users have gone through their channels, receiving classes on various topics, and dozens of teachers have initiated and completed their courses successfully for the good of the entire Hispanic community.

Currently the educational activities that are carried out are the following:



Sunday Live Curation Activity
Monday Literature and Ortography Lesson (In Spanish)
Wednesday Basic English Lesson
Thursday Advanced English Lesson
Friday Competence Class
Sunday Photography Lesson

The word "Reveur" means "Dreamer", and there is no better word that can describe to all the collaborators that we make this project possible. We believe in the power of knowledge, believe in the power of organized citizenship, and dream of the utopia of taking out of the blockchain our citizens to build whole nations and give hope to the world, starting with the country of which we are the majority of Those involved: Venezuela.

@bebeth Project

@bebeth is the curation project of our conglomerate, as we mentioned before. All of our projects are connected with pedagogy in some way or another. @bebeth is a project that not only rewards the best Spanish speaking users (especially the newer and less recognized), but educates all the Steemians, to curate more and better.

The dynamics implemented to achieve that goal, was to invite users to leave a minimum of three (not own) publications that they consider to be cured in the curation reports. Such publications should have a reward less than $1 and have been made by a user with less than 3 months on the platform. 50% of the SBD generated by the curation report go to the users ' wallets that were approved their proposals. Thanks to this innovative idea in the Hispanic community, many users learned to cure quality content and were rewarded for it.

Unfortunately, after the fall in the price of the Steem currency, the publications stopped generating SBD, and our rewards dropped enormously to the point of not being even enough to cover the operating expenses of the project. For that reason, we were forced to suspend our dynamic until we found the necessary resources to revive our school of curators.

@banca Project

@banca aims to be the financial entity of our entire organisational structure. His team was responsible for developing the Token Rev, a token pègged by SBD and with a parity of 0.10 rev = 1 SBD. The wallets of this token are managed via our Discord server. and works with SteemConnect to receive transfers from customers in a secure way. . The benefits of this token allow greater accessibility for people not aware of the blockchain technology, does not handle private keys and their access depends on the session started in discord.

Various services are offered through that token. It can be purchased with bolivares (Venezuelan currency with fast devaluation), which is an interesting option for all those Venezuelans who want to protect their capital and has the potential to bring new venezuelan investor to the platform. It also serves as a fundraiser to conduct crowdfunding campaigns to help users of our community in economic predicament. Plus, The ReV tokens can also be exchanged for votes equivalent to $0.20, which encourages investment in the platform and its long-term vision by all users of this service.

@banca also offers hosting on the project servers for Web sites. This service is aimed at all those users who want to start using the SteemPress plugin and create their own web pages. Added to the hosting service, @Banca has a group of experts that will guide the user to create the website you want. This consultancy is of a permanent nature.

@dcabellor Project

Is the project in charge of combating SPAM, SCAM and other behaviors not approved by the community in the Steem blockchain. Added to this, it also performs curations and promotes users who have voted, making reports of curation where it invites its readers to visit the blogs of the featured users.

Development of curation Bot: Afrodia-A

Aphrodite-A is the curation robot that manages the available resources of our conglomerate. This bot is a tool created by @nnnarvaez that allows to manage the VP of the curation accounts. The bot ensures that 20% of the VP is consumed daily and in this way we take the maximum advantage of the resources to be able to benefit as many users as possible. The curators are responsible for leaving the links of the publications to vote on a Discord server dedicated to Aphrodite-A, and the bot is responsible for placing it in a queue of votes. This allows there to be no need for the curators to have the P.P. K of the curation accounts, increasing the security, effectiveness and management of the resources. For more information on Aphrodite-A's operation, visit the following publication (in spanish).

Our Proposal

After this extensive introduction of who we are and what we do. We proceed to say what we need.

We want to revive the reward system to the curators carried out in the past by @bebeth, and we want to offer a greater incentive to the students who week by week strive to learn everything given in each activity of @reveur, like offer a small incentive to the teachers behind each lesson.

To achieve this we have the following scheme:

In @Bebeth, we want to start a weekly curation contest. We will reactivate the invitation in each curation report to leave links to be cured. At the end of the week, the 3 best curators will be chosen based on the amount of post/accepted posts(inspired by the system implemented by @curie for their curators), leaving the rewards in the following way:

1st Place 5 Steem
2nd Place 3 Steem
3rd Place 2 Steem
4 times monthly 40 Steem Total

Being able to carry out this curation contest will allow us to reward both the curators and the outstanding authors. In times where the Steem has a low price, the motivation of the users has diminished, we believe that initiatives like these are of utmost importance to retain the largest number of quality users within the platform. Being able to carry out this contest will benefit the 130 (approximately) users who each week are voted on by our project, and the large number of Hispanic users eager to reward what they deserve. They will not only learn to cure better, but also receive an economic incentive in exchange for their improvement.

In the @reveur project we want to continue our educational activities as we have always done, add an economic incentive to our best students to continue advancing on their way to becoming citizens of this chain of blocks.

In each of the 5 educational activities carried out every week on our Discord server, students will be asked to do a homework related to the content learned in the activity. The homework will be reviewed in the class of the following week, among all students, will be chosen one that will be rewarded with 1 Steem for having performed in an excellent way the assignment.

The rewards would be distributed in the following way:

1 student for each of the 5 weekly classes 1 Steem.
Professor in charge of the activity 2 Steem
5 times a week 60 Steem Total

Our Discord server has an approximate 460 users of which about 100 actively on the server and its activities. To be able to carry out this activity will benefit to that number of students (more those that will be added to have an economic incentive present) and to the teachers that week to week dedicate their time and energy to deliver everything they know.

In total, we request a support of 200 Steem monthly, which will be distributed as follows:

  • @bebeth curation Contest: 40 Steem.
  • @reveur Educational activities: 60 Steem.
  • Operating expenses: 100 Steem.

Pay the witness server (currently in the position #144), pay the server of bots and websites, reward the collaborators of our project, keep our SP available to cure. All of that has a cost, a cost that throughout our history within the platform we have never managed to cover. During all this time the economic deficit has been covered with our pocket to keep the utopian dream alive and to continue offering the livelihood to many Venezuelans who work with us. During all this time we have not cared, because thats how we are the dreamers, blind, and above all... stubborn. Unfortunately, our pocket has been empty and we can no longer maintain our entire mega structure. Being able to receive those 100 Steem would not completely cover operating expenses, but it would be a good start. To say that we are supported by the great witness @curie could attract more potential financiers to help us continue to build our ideal within the platform, in turn that would give us a motivational impulse that is always needed in times of recession.

Our group of projects United under the umbrella of @Castellano, attacks extremely important aspects of the platform for the Spanish-speaking community. We cure content, educate on diversity of topics, fight against spam and injustices, and believe in the citizen organization and the great ideas and proposals that can emerge from the base of plankton and minnows of the ecosystem. We have over a year working tirelessly. Everything we have achieved has been done with almost no funding and support; We are convinced that if we achieve so much ton, with some help we will be able to continue helping to grow one of the largest and most active communities in the entire platform. We know the virtues of this wonderful community, we know their needs and dreams. We have the human capital necessary to realize our goals within the platform. Supporting us will benefit the entire Spanish-speaking community and increase the decentralization of resources within our collective.

We say goodbye not without first thanking the @curie witness and @randomwanderings for their great initiative. Thank you for reading us and for inviting us to continue dreaming.

If you wish to contact those responsible for our projects: Contact
@miguelvargas#8584 or @nnnarvaez#6979 on Discord.

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