New Project: Drum kit Restoration.

A new project has arrived for me, and I wanna talk to it through this post!

Since a friend of mine has moved from the country, he decided to gift me his family's drum kit since he knows I'm a musician and I'm kinda a musical instrument collectionner. Despite this could be like a very exciting experience of having a new project and a new instrument, having to say goodbye to a friend could be tugh. Even this could have a negative connotation, let's keep in the good mood (for the sake of my mental health and mood).

WhatsApp Image 2019-01-20 at 1.34.59 PM.jpeg

So, I must say this is totally new for me because I'm not a drummer, and neither don't really know anything about the brand of this particular drum set. This is an Audition drum set, made in Japan, maybe from the 60's, more or less.


What do I want to do with it?

I have plans por a restoration, since the set has some rust, dust and dirt.

So, do you wanna see how this work is done?

Keep an eye on my posts, I'll be posting and asking you for advice!

Questions I have for you:

  • How do you think should I proceed? Should I disassemble the set?

  • How do I clean the rust? What product do you recommend (something you may have in your house, for example)? I've read that Coca Cola and sodium bicarbonate could work for that.

I'll be waiting your answer in the comment section! :D

Mae Rod.

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