This year's experience with School Sports at the beach

As in the last five years, this Friday we carried out the final evaluation of Physical Education in our local beach, called Playa Lido. Playa Lido is located in Lecheria, Venezuela. It is the ideal place for this type of activities, for the wide space, the good condition of the sand, its cleaning conditions, and the presence of four poles for placement of volleyball meshes.

The beach has parking and walking spaces, in addition to a small park for exercises and playground. Many local people do exercises there or simply walk on the beach sand.

All the necessary implements were installed very early to receive the more than 80 students of the last year of high school who attended. As always, they themselves helped to get everything ready for activities.

Seven teachers attended: 5 physical education teachers, the high school coordinator and me, the principal. We received the students on the beach at seven in the morning, for a series of sport activities that culminated at noon.

The Physical Education teacher who organized the activity had already assigned specific tasks to each student, as part of the evaluation that would be done that day. After having everything settled, they started the activities with warm-up for volleyball, even the teachers participated in the warm-up! Then they were given instructions and recommendations about the activities to be carried out and the behavior expected throughout the day.

Then the beach volleyball games started simultaneously for both males and females between the three sections, until a winner was obtained.

After the snack, consisting of fruit and "tizana", that is, a mixture of fruit and fruit juice with some sugar, we continue with the programmed activities. The favorite of all was the strength competition with the rope. The students are placed in teams of ten and the one that achieves that the other team passes the dividing line, wins. Here we have the men's competition, with the two sections looking for the jump-off:

During the break prior to the next competition, Santa visited us. He had been at the school visiting Preschool children and offered to come by to meet the teens at the beach. It was exciting to see how pleased they were with this visit, and they even made their requests for Christmas!

After this, the boys played soccer and the kikimbol females, and we closed the activities of the day with the duathlon. In this swim and race competition, where men and females competed separately, five students from each section participated, that is, a total of 15 males and 15 females. The first three places were awarded medals.

The best thing about the whole day was the opportunity our students had to have a different day together with their classmates, to see Physical Education as an activity not only of competition but of fun, and to share with their teachers in a different way. Upon completion, we also rewarded teachers for their effort and commitment to students during all Physical Education activities!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Pictures and video were taken with smartphone.

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