URGENT need for assistance Please read!

Greating my friends, Today I will tell you what my life has be like the past 7 months or so. I began developing seizures in Fall 2018. I was rushed to hospital. My roommate at the time made the 911 call. While there, I got up to use the restroom. I immediately had another seizure and a head wound requiring several staples in the ER whilst waiting on a doctor. I have had two seizures in two different places I've worked at, and of course in my residence. I estimate I've had 18-20 seizures. I have ABSOLUTELY NO memory of these seizures. Thankfully I have been seizure free for approximately 6 months now. Over the past 11 years 4 different doctors prescribed benzodiazepine to me. I was under the care of the first psychiatrist for 6 to 7 care for over years. I do believe he was trying to help. Initially I saught help after after a really bad panic attack AT WORK. As I said the initial psychiatrist I worked initially got me "hooked" them and while I do believe he actually was trying to help he shouldn't have kept me on the benzos so long.. I moved to Maryland, found a psychiatrist to continue the prescription. Then I moved back to Minnesota and saught a physician to continue the benzo script. Months later I relocated back to Georgia.

I already had a job lined up but unethical practices were noted and I left and have been unemployed for over 2 years. Subsequently, i lost my insurance and I had friends help me out with benzos so I would not become sick. Later I found an outlet online for this purpose. People can die from benzo withdrawls . I was without a pulse for FOUR minutes.

Enough on that. I got pregnant last year. I couldn't just cold turkey them and was advised by MD not to. However, my dose was decreased. I applied Medicaid. Before seeing an MD, I applied to Medicaid They sent me the wrong type of Medicaid that doesn't even cover prenatal care. I painstakingly waiting for weeks for the correct one and learned I wax having a boy.

On 12/30/2020, my baby was taken prematurely. He was 1lb 14oz. His due day was 3/3/31. So he was born 3 months and 1 day early.

I had many medical issues in January. I was hospitalized 10 days. I was given keppra that prevents seizures. And I am still trying to reduce intakes of the benzo. Again it may not work because my brain is chemically dependent on it I am sick without it

I volunteered near the end of January to go to rehab to try and get the benzos eradicated. Didn't work. On Sunday Match 10th i learned my baby had NEC, or necrotizing enterocolitis. It is serious and sone babies have died from it. Isaac is a trooper and recovered. I simply wanted the facility to allow me more time and privacy on phone and please use a computer so i could research NEC. Instead the director came over said i must leave because I needed a "higher level of care. " This was after i broke my leg and needed extra help because I was non weight bearing on my leg, had to use a wallet, and could only tide in cars , not vans or trucks i would had somehow jump. I tried to explain about my son, she didn't care.

CPS has been involved since isaac was born since he had benzo in him. As previously mentioned I could not just stop the cool Turkey. Isaac was released 3/25/21 to foster with my Dad and his wife. My Dad doesnt like my fiance and would not permit us go com see our child. CPS arranged transport to my Mom home our visitation times.

Going back to broken leg and rehab, allow me to explain. I was walking in the rain to a vehicle for a class. I got out and tried to get inside quick. Unfortunately I was wearing slick shoes and slipped down. My tibia (shin) near my ankle was sticking out, The tibia also broke father down. My fibula (bone running along side tibia) was shattered with many breaks.

I had surgery that day and MD told me it was the worst he'd ever seen. I had to use a walker. I was casted and later had to wear a boot which you can see in first photo. I had to use the walker and keep the weight off my leg for TEN WEEKS! I am still not recovered and it hurts every day. I have a plate, rod, screws, and a nail placed. There were three incisons, the one in the back you can't see in the picture heading that's the cute little man. Isaac and his mommy.....me




Even now I have medical issues stemming from there c-section. It was an emergency c- section because i was eclamptic with extremely high blood pressure.

If you could find it in your heart to help me financially, I would be very grateful. If you are unable to do that I understand and encouragement is always awesome!
Here's the link to the go fund me:


Thanks for any and all support, advice, etc.
photos my own

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