Series Street photography. Indelible faces. curie

The street. Its inhabitants fill their paths with expressions over time in a chain of unique and unrepeatable events ... indelible faces are protected with thousands of looks towards you that are in the midst of people taking pictures without permission, only captured true expressions that only it is given by a person's carelessness, the right moment to click and register the ephemeral of an expression, a grimace or an effusive and natural smile..

Feel freedom when making street photographs there is a maze of images from corner to corner only you can find the balance between a society that can attack you or can tolerate you without the slightest problem ... in my country more and more street photography is riskier both for the crime and for the system that does not allow them to show the harsh reality that Venezuela is going through.

A light that strives the harmony between your camera and the composition determines the way to understand why, the meaning of what you are creating ... you are capturing the feeling of people outside of you, your thoughts, your hope, your dreams are there invisible of a photograph in its history and its desire to transmit or create a clean expression without secrets.

© Carlos Adolfo Chacón Rosales

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