
So many good people in this country have been ridiculed,debunked and even forced to move else where because of the bureaucratic regulations put in place to protect the profits of captains of industry. So, For that reason, Im going to cover my tracks....The very first thing you need to know about me is that I am not a doctor and I have never been formally schooled in the completely indoctrinated Western Medical business. I call it a business because that is exactly what it is....A health care system driven by profits and greed. So this blog is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnose illness or in any way attempt to practice medicine. This blog is not intended to replace personal medical care from a licensed health care practitioner. So if you decide to attempt any of the suggestions I give in this blog, you are doing so at your own risk. The information I am presenting here is simply another perspective then main stream medicine and is to be viewed as entertainment. But if you can see through the B.S., make sure you consult with your doctor ahead of time. Do your research! Don't just accept my word or you doctors word as the absolute truth. It pains me that I even have to write this in a country that prides itself on the freedom of speach....

If you know me, you know Im very passionate about Alternative and Natural Medicine. Im also equally passionate about exposing the entire food, Medical, and Pharmaceutical industries for working together in secret to purposely make us sick. The medical industry then uses what I call the "Symptom treatment w/o curing" tactics for the sole purpose of increasing revenues and profit shares. Well, "sole purpose" isn't exactly accurate either, only because on an energetic level they are able to maintain control over the masses because pharmaceutical drugs are not only ineffective in curing anything at all, they lower your energetic frequency making it extremely hard to realize your full potential as a "Devine human being"...But we will leave that subject for a different blog. Nonetheless, I would like to cover a very peculiar and miraculous natural supplement called Curcumin. If you are familiar with the Indian originated spice, Curry, then you know where Curcumin comes from. Turmeric is a well known supplement and is the base for the seasoning curry. But what Im recently finding out is that Curcumin is an antioxidant that is extracted, somehow, from Turmeric. And when Curcumin is kept in bioavailable and absorbable format and then concentrated, it becomes the strongest antioxidant known to man! It is many hundred times stronger than blueberries, and blueberries pack a strong punch when it comes to antioxidants. But the real hidden gem with Curcumin is its affects on inflammation. So, it seems in my research, that inflammation is the basis for ALL chronic-diseases and most others as well. By the way, Inflammation is not, by any means, a natural part of aging, contrary to what the people have been led to believe. It blows my mind how people jump on these fad-diet bandwagons with out actually researching them and understanding. The real problem is, there concern is more aesthetic then actually being concerned with health. But that is also probably another blog subject. But going "Gluten Free" is very effective way for alleviating inflammation and, specifically, Celiac Disease. Celiac disease is a fancy way to say gluten sensitivity. But Curcumins effectiveness has some how turned this movement into another fad-diet. Most sheeple don't even understand what Gluten-free means let alone what Gluten even is. So....I will take a little time to explain.......

GLUTEN: Is a protein found in all Wheat products. Its used in other foods to help maintain its shape because it acts like a glue and binds. Products like breads, pastas, cereals and pretty much anything made from wheat.

So as you can see, wheat products are a huge staple in the modern American diet. If you think about the every day menu for the average American helplessly trapped in the rat race, its like cereal for breakfast, Sandwich for lunch, and Pasta for dinner. And we are taught in the public school system at a very young age that "grains" are an important part of a healthy diet. So we eat these highly gluteness foods thinking they are not harming us, when in fact the exact opposite is true. Maybe 60 years ago before the agriculture industry became big business, these whole grains in moderation could be beneficial to our health. But now, with GMO ( genetically modified organisms) Wheats grown by the Agricultural Conglomerates, like Monsanto, are increasing the amount of gluten in our foods exponentially. (If you're interested in learning more about Gluten and celiac disease, I recommend the book "The Gluten Connection" by : Shari Lieberman.) Very good read and extremely informative.

So with that being said, Americans have a dangerously highly inflammatory diet and don't even realize it. Everything from Ulceritis Colitis to Arthritis are direct side effects of an inflammatory diet. And, at our expense, chronic diseases like these bring billions of dollars in profits every single year into the medical industry as a whole. In other words, they are making us sick, and they know they are making us sick. Yes, I know, outrageous, I know I know....But there is hope my friends......

In comes the knight in shining armor.....In comes CURCUMIN. If you know anything about Eastern Ayurvedic Medicine, then you already know about Curcumin...or at least heard the term before. Its a major part in their practices and have been using it for thousands of years. It is a member of the ginger family. This fierce antioxidant can prevent, treat and cure a wide range of illnesses. Everything from heart attacks and heart disease, to dozens of cancers, all types of arthritis, as well as the so-called incurable diseases such as type 2 diabetes and Altziemers disease. It is also probably one of the most effective anti-depressant known to date. Even Gut diseases like Crohn's Disease and IBS are no match for Curcumin. This powerful supplement has proven antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. So most, if not all, chronic diseases attributed to aging can be treated and cured with Curcumin. Acidic or oxidative conditions in our bodies are a breeding ground for disease and cause free-radicals. This is the exact same thing that rusts metal, and ages our bodies before its time. Oxidation and inflammation, without a doubt, cause disease! Brain chemistry is also interrupted and thrown off so we get mental disorders such as dementia, depression and even Altziemers disease. 70 plus percent of Americans are over weight and half of that are obese. All can be attributed to INFLAMMATION.

So back to the knight in Shining Armor....CURCUMIN, is by far the strongest antioxidant know to science. 1 curcumin tablet has 25 times the antioxidants as the same amount of blueberries! Curcumin literally scrapes the oxidative "rust" from you cells, which in turn will prevent disease as well as reversing diseases you may already have. This stops cell deterioration and restores the cellular genetic codes to useful levels forcing the cells to reproduce naturally like they did when you were a child. Curcumin literally forces unnatural grown cells, or cancer cells, to die when their time comes as ordained by nature. This stops tumor growth dead in its tracks. It also stops inflammation and all of its obvious and not so obvious damaging effects, relieving inflammatory problems like arthritis and joint pain, as well as eliminating the building blocks heart disease, diabetes and many other diseases that have a foundation in chronic inflammation. In addition to all of these wonderful things Curcumin can do, it also has the ability to cross the "blood/brain barrier"......which is a membrane that protects the brain from invaders like bacterial infections. This gives Curcumin the ability to deliver its powerful antioxidants. Curcumin has gone up against Pharmaceutical drugs that treat these conditions and has came out on top every time! Curcumin is a potent antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral, antiallergenic and has anti-tumor properties. This can even be used to treat serious terminal diseases like HIV and AIDS, minus all the crazy side effects of course. But keep in mind, not all Curcumin is created equal. In its most common form, Curcumin is not absorbable or bioavailable to the body. You must look for products that contain BCM-95, which is a highly absorbable form of Curcumin that has been well researched to produce productive and curative results in scientific studies. Obviously the studies are done independently, outside of the constraints of "Big-Pharma". If you're interested in learning more about this and where you can get these products, comment below and I will share....

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