Looking for a future Dolphin

Whenever I get frustrated with SteemIt.com (the site, not the token)  It is due to a lack of diversity in stakeholders and curators.  I always want a greater spread of rewards and yet I fully respect the stakeholders using their stake how they want.

Recently I've realized I am supporting about as many people as possible within the constraints of my voting power and time.  I like to vote manually, so my support is sporadic to those I try to support.  I do want to support the growth of the user base, but I do not want to compromise my own ability to grow and earn.

An Experiment I Want To Try

One week and a day from now as an experiment I am going to delegate 1000 steem power to someone who wants to manually curate and grow their account.  I will delegate for one month.  (unless there is obvious abuse)  During this time the selected user is expected to self-vote, Hold and manually curate.  When I say self vote, I mean upvote their own posts and the occasional comment for visibility.  The point is to help the user build stake and encourage them to read and curate content that I may not even see or have any VP left to use on.  The user may use both upvotes and flags in their curation process.  GREAT NEWS @drakos has said he will match this effort, so either one winner will get $2000 or there will be two winners!  Thanks Drakos!  (He runs a witness, check him out)

At the end of the month, in return I would like you to share your experience with me via a post or conversation on Discord.  Did it help you?  Did you feel empowered to help others? etc.  How did it work out?  Why?

I do realize that someone could use the stake and power down after, either on purpose or because "Life Happens".  That's a risk I am willing to take. Aso the selected winner might trick me about manual curation, etc. etc.  That is why I am calling it an experiment.  Let's find out what can go wrong!

Obviously, this small timeframe and SP isn't going to make you a dolphin, but if you are serious about becoming one, it could help a little.  It also gives me something to think about while we wait for SMTs and Communities. 

My intent is to put a little bit of stake in the hands of someone who will use it with eyes on the site and curate.  In exchange they get a bonus on their own content as well.  The amount of stake is small and short lived, so there shouldn't be any lasting damage created.  Actually I have often thought if I held SteemIt, Inc's SP, this is how I would use some of it to spread the wealth without picking favorites.  Small, short term delegations.  So, let's experiment.  (I have no influence on SteemIt Inc., this is just for fun and entertainment)

So, there is the plan.   Let's pick someone as the LabRat in the Experiment:

Obviously if you want to be considered I am going to review your previous content and voting habits.  I only care about engagement not QUALITY.  I am also not inspired by hard luck stories, so if you need money for your dog's surgery my heart goes out to you, but that doesn't enter into this agreement.   What do you have to offer to growing your account and curation?   During the experiment I will likely check in from time-to-time, but I am terrible at micro management, so the concept is that you upvote what YOU like, not what I like.

And Yes, I did say you can and should build your own account also with the stake!  I want to see more stakeholders!!!!

Tell me who I should pick and why below.  It is fine to pitch yourself.  It's a short little experiment, we are not changing lives here.  :)

For those of you involved in Content groups, please consider a resteem!  (I rarely ask)

A good news UPDATE


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