Ideas Needed, Broke 25sp, 600sp Delegation Committed, Account Builder #9

Sorry it's been a few days. Life has been crazy and then with steemit down last night I was dead in the water. Actually pushed an appointment back 30 minutes so I could post this today and back out for a 13 hour day of work. That said I'll be looking at the contest ideas when I get home late tonight.

Account Update

Currently sitting just over 25sp with another 2SBD that is being held to use for either paid votes or for prize money in contests. So far we have used @treeplanter on 2 posts and they are both profitable votes so will continue to use the small 0.10sbd paid vote to receive a 0.20 vote in return. Every little bit helps!


Delegation front

As of right now we have been told someone plans to send us a 300sp delegation once the cool down period expires in a couple days! Once this happens we have a matching delegation on all delegations we receive up to 500sp from @bjgeese so we will be at 600sp.

I feel that at 600sp we still are not at a point that launching for the Curation Contest will make sense, but....

New Contest Ideas Needed

With 600sp this account will be ready to launch at least a small weekly contest. One that requires maybe less effort then the Curation contest. If anyone has an idea of a contest they would like to see please share below and if someone looks good we can run with it.

If someone is looking to sponsor a contest start to finish and has an idea then we will really be open to your

As we are all about paying it forward if the idea fits into this theme all the better. But I do also plan on just having some fun contests that basically will be as easy as commenting so any and all ideas are welcome.

What is @pifc?

It has been suggested that some people may not know about @pifc and why we are running account builder posts. Makes sense, it's a new account and not everyone knows about the amazing Pay It Forward Curation Contest.

@pifc will be the home of all Pay It Forward Contests. To get to a point where this account is strong enough to give out real votes and be at least slightly self sufficient we are running "Account Builder" posts every other day. The SBD & Steem earned from these posts currently is purely used to power up the account.

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