THE LIBRARY #11 | A Curation Post for Readers and Writers

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The Library #1 | The Library #2 | The Library #3 part 1 | The Library #3 part 2 | The Library #4 | The Library #5 | The Library #6 | The Library #7 | The Library #8 | The Library #9 | The Library #10

The Library - For Writers and Readers.

Welcome to the eleventh edition of The Library. A new, writing focused curation post. Coming out of the ideas and discussions generated in the Seeking a Community of Writers post, I wanted to be able to pursue that idea even further. I know there are writing communities on Discord (of which I am also a member), and there are also curator blogs on Steemit. So this idea is nothing new. But I want for The Library to be a curator post focused solely upon writers, and the world of writing.

To start with, the writing groups on Discord that I recommend are:

- The Writer's Block - how to join. Their Steemit address is @thewritersblock
- The Isle of Write - how to join. Their Steemit address is @isleofwrite

If you know of any others then feel free to mention them in the comments section.

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The Dam

For those that missed it @ezzy has released a new work of fiction this past week. The link to part 3 is listed above, but to start from the beginning (always a good move) here are the previous links: part 1 part 2.

An excerpt from my unpublished novel, "The Tangled Web."

@traciyork has shared some of her writing talents with us this week.

Radical Revision — An Experiment in Writing

@katrina-ariel introduces us to some of her own writing, and the changes she has made to it in the pursuit of a final complete form.


Book Series Review: American Praetorians

@cheah presents a well written review of the books that make up this action thriller series.


The Key to Writing Tight Flash Fiction

@bex-dk walks us through the various requirements for writing good quality readable flash fiction. Despite it smaller word count (or perhaps because of it), this style of writing isn't as easy as it looks. Some very good pointers here.

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I am currently participating in @d-pends 100 day poetry writing challenge, and have noticed many examples of what I consider good quality poetry. Here are a couple that grabbed my attention this week:

Why I Talk Too Much

@acousticsteveo's effort for day 23, which had a structure and imagery that intrigued me no end.


@carmalain7's poem for day 21 is one that I am still trying to come to terms with. Epic in scope, thought provoking, and with a developing narrative throughout, this is an example of what I believe this challenge is all about - pushing us to go deeper, in terms of our writing and search for something that goes beyond what we have previously presented.

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Thank you for reading the eleventh edition of The Library. Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, ideas, etc.

As always, I appreciate your time and attention, and hope you enjoyed your library visit.

Images sourced from

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Links to earlier works

My Steemit Poetry Collection

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