Archdruid Gaming: Author Showcase Issue 9

Happy Friday to the gamers out there! This week I bring you some more amazing authors and games you might not know about. Even more so since some of them don’t even exist! Who knows maybe one day they could. In the meantime, there are a few on this list as well that you could be playing your weekend away enjoying. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you find something enjoyable to play.

Author 1


@Yosuandoni the barbarian who when he is not out pillaging and looking for sheep and beer is seen enjoying video games. He really loves the survival genre and produces all kinds of a different format for showcasing the game. Everything from written game reviews to videos and even some custom written adventures in them.

In one of his most recent ones World Robot, he takes the readers on an adventure in a strange new world. It is a narrative driven story about a possible futuristic game where a human finds himself in contact with a robot. Where a human for once now considers the out of place object in the world instead of the other way around. Sounds like it would be an amazing search and survival style of game. Even more so in a VR created the world.

Author 2


@Retro-room who looks at all things retro. He delivers his content in the form of gaming news to game reviews and so much more. If you are a fan of Nintendo products he has your back on that front as well. As he loves to do game reviews from about games on the Nintendo Switch.

In a more recent edition Enter the Gungeon he gives you the pixels, puns, and all in his review. If you ever wonder what a game would look like in the retro style of weapons and bullets you are in for a real treat. He goes over the gameplay, aesthetics, and gives you a final score as well on how he rates this game. You will have to read his review further to see what mayhem entails in this shoot’em up packed game.

Author 3


@Ejgarcia is from Cuba and brings with him all kinds of different and amazing culture when it comes to gaming. This is one of the great things about meeting gamers from around the world. You get to see and understand how they approach different struggles or barriers a gamer has out there. Not to mention all the kinds of games you never even knew about.

One such case is in his review of The Shin Megami Tensei Franchise which is the first time hearing about this game myself. In it, you get to find out what lured him towards this genre of game in the first place. He breaks everything down that it is known for into terms that are relatable to most gamers. He then gives you insights into the different games that make this franchise up and just why it is amazing. If you have the time these games look like you would be taken on a really fun adventure as you dive into one and then the next and so forth.

Author 4


@Lunaticpandora the frog will take you on all kinds of adventures in the written or video format. You never know what new lands you will be seeing or how in depth the story will take you. All you know for sure is his love for strategy games will keep you coming back to see what happens next.

In one of these playthroughs, we get a fresh start in Hearts of Iron IV As he plays the USSR. What is really great about these is he includes a bulk of screenshots to show you the progression and he explains changes that occurred during them. This really lets you see what is going on in the strategy game; while also, getting to see from his point of view of how things are going. Will the world burn, will he unite every country into the USSR or suffer defeat at the hands of another? Only time will tell.

Author 5


@Ahmadmanga writes all kinds of reviews on a variety of game genres. When he is not doing that you can find a for sale post. With games, he acquired from Humble Monthly and other bundles that are being sold for Steem or other cryptocurrencies. A little something or everything on this blog.

As many of us have been thinking and writing about our dream game these past two weeks Ahmadmanga was no exception with Ideas for my Dream RPG. In it you get to see what one gamer would priority of important that makes a game amazing. You see examples of games that did it right and ones that could have done it better. I personally like the choice of making the character the star of the show. Nowadays many seem to just get lost in everything else going on in the gaming world. Games are so quick to be a clone or reinventing something they forget the basics.


Written by @enjar on behalf of Archdruid Gaming. Enjar is ranked Wizard in the community.

Not featured in this weekly author showcase issue? Don’t worry, anyone who is at least ranked Gamer in our community that produces amazing content and shares it with us on discord has a chance to be selected! Posts do need a couple of days of still being open to give time for people to show their support.

Are you a gamer who produces outstanding gaming content here on steemit? Come to check us out on discord: We are always looking for new and old amazing game authors.

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