Curie Author Showcase (January 11th, 2018)

  • In spirit of Curie's mission to promote undiscovered but exceptional content, we wish to use this weekly section to provide an author showcase for some of the outstanding authors who received Curie upvotes in past week. Curie curators and reviewers nominate authors for inclusion in this showcase and author approval is sought and attained.

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Featured Author: @taraorlin
My crazy ride from Norway to Spain - driving through Europe with two horses and a dog

Photo by: Pascuale Zena. @taraorlin at Alcantara Equestre, Jerez, Spain - used with permission

@taraorlin is a brand new Steem user who only made her introduction post 4 days ago. In her own words:

My name is Tara. I am a 27 year old woman from Norway currently living in Jerez, Andalusia, Spain. I came here last October with my two horses and my rescue dog Luna. [...] I came to Spain to develop myself as a rider and trainer, and I plan to be here for a total of six months. I have my own business, working as a horse trainer, and every spring - summer - fall - I travel around Norway teaching clinics and helping people with their horses.

While making a living riding and training horses may sound like a fairy tale life, the drive with horses and trailer in tow from Norway to Andalusia, Spain actually proved quite harrowing for Tara and is a really gripping read:

I was on the edge of my seat hoping everything would be okay at this cliff-hanger of a moment while broken down in the Pyrenees mountains in France:

After waiting for several more hours, I realized that nobody was coming to help us. I texted my mother again. Since I barely had any battery on my phone I couldn't do anything. So my family called around to different stables, trying to get someone to come with a trailer. We got stuck there around 11.00, and when it was 19.00 we were still waiting. My energy level was getting low, but I kept walking with my horses in one hand, and my dog Luna in the other hand, so the horses could eat grass. I couldn't keep them tied up all the time, they were getting restless and hungry.
You will have to visit her post and read it yourself to see how @taraorlin got in this predicament and how she got out of it! It is well worth the read, lavishly illustrated with exceptional photography and full of twists and turns before a satisfying conclusion. This is a new user to follow! I can't wait to see more of Tara, Luna the Dog, and Bonus & Jack the horses.

Featured Author: @svemirac
Formula 1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Unforgetable Paddock Experience at Yas Marina Circuit

Photo by @svemirac - used with permission

"Svemirac" means spaceman in Serbian, an appropriate user name for this 26 year old PhD student of Astrophysics! What does a PhD student of Astrophysics do, one might wonder?

[I am] working on 3D explosion simulations of core-collapsing supernovae with supercomputers and using follow-up observations to support it. Apart from astrophysics, I practice aikido. In the near future I plan to post few articles about aikido (Japanese martial art), astrophysics, solar system, science fiction and most likely another travel report/experience from European trip.
@svemirac joined Steem 10 days ago and has been posting original photography, a really fascinating educational series on astronomy/astrophysics ("The Restaurant at the End of the Universe..." part 1 & part 2), and... a truly amazing post about his trip to Abu Dhabi to watch Formula 1 racing:

There is a lot to do and see at a Formula 1 Grand Prix and @svemirac takes us along with him to do it all. I don't know what I enjoyed reading about most - was it all the simulators (e.g. simulated pit stop with actual wheel nut gun to remove an old tire and put on a new tire)? The activities (e.g. free fall jump from a 46 meter high platform on a crane onto netting)? The racing itself (with several amazing video clips)?

You will have to decide for yourself, but it won't be easy!

Featured Author: @awesomeabasiono
Lifestyle Approach to Our Health, and A Few Recommendations for the Workplace

About myself, I'm just a man with a heart dedicated to people, my people. I've come a long way, I've seen and lived life, I got to learn so much from everything around me. I'm a Human Resource Manager by profession and I ALWAYS believe I can learn to do anything. [...] Every little post I make is inspired by my zeal to make life a bit better and a lot easier for you and I.

Making life better and easier is a noble goal, but how can that be accomplished through posting? Well for starters, @awesomeabasiono wrote this post which could quite literally save lives:

Regular top Curie curator @misterakpan curated this post and included his submission comment to the Curie reviewers for this post in a recently published curator remark anthology. I think @misterakpan sums it up nicely so I will turn to his words:

Post is filled with lots of useful health information and is particularly targeted to the workplace. For that I feel this deserves some exposure. Author has been persistent in posting and commenting, recently. References are used where bold claims are made, and the author added a disclaimer he isn't a medical expert -- just sharing what he knows. Good stuff. Excellent formatting.

@awesomeabasiono writes in a clear and easily digestible manner and has managed to cover an impressive amount of topics without making this post unwieldy. If it starts a conversation in your home or office about CPR and being prepared for medical emergencies it may even end up saving a life!

Featured Author: @billsurf
Rocketbilly 2315.76

Image by @billsurf - used with permission

In the words of this self-proclaimed "aquatic surf monster":

Steemit has allowed me to explore and refine what I am trying to say and how I am trying to say it. And has provided a smart, tech savvy audience willing to give the stories a chance. My greatest reward is seeing that others are enjoying the stories and responding to the same elements that excite me also.

If folks keep readin' I'll keep writin'!

@billsurf is the longest tenured Steem author featured in this showcase, joining in August 2017. While he has been known to rock out an open mic entry, what landed him in this showcase is an installment of his original fiction series "Rocketbilly":

This series actually came to @billsurf in a dream:

This space opera is inspired by a dream I had where I was blasting into space on a moonshine powered rocket. Going planet to planet, living free - - as a moonshine powered Rocketbilly. Cause when you're a Rocketbilly, whether you're drinking up or blasting off, you're always powered by that same ole moonshine.

As you might expect from an intro like that, this is a terrifically fun read. There is a lot of action and the protagonist has a devil-may-care attitude and swashbuckling charm - maybe a little bit of Han Solo mixed with Captain Jack Sparrow with a good dash of moonshine thrown in for good measure. There is a race/chase scene with an amazing ending that I do not want to spoil for you, but I can say that I would love to see this on film!

Please note that this post is already out of payout (future author showcase posts will only include posting still in payout at the time the showcase is published) but @billsurf already has the next installment up so you can give him some love there.

This Curie Author Showcase was written by regular top Curie curator @carlgnash with input from other Curie curators and reviewers.

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