Why Patients Don’t Take Their Medications Properly

There are several reasons most patients do not take their medications properly as prescribed by the healthcare worker. These reasons resonate around the following broad categories; fear, misunderstanding, too many medications, lack of symptoms and mistrust. Our duty at Curaizon is to demystify all these myths surrounding noncompliance to a health worker recommendation for your medication. Let’s examine the broad categories briefly.

Fear of side effects. Majority of the people who refuse to follow the health worker recommendation is the fear of the supposed side effect of the drugs. Meanwhile, the recommended drugs may NOT have had as much side effect as the patient has thought. As the patients refuse to comply with the physician prescription, he or she opens himself or herself up to susceptibility to other related sicknesses that the prescribed drug would have ordinarily knocked off. Another person may have had a certain body reaction to a particular drug that does not mean it will happen to you. 

There is a general lack of understanding. There are drugs that when you take them, it stirs up lots of reactions in the body before treating the particular ailment. Most patients become discouraged, and most discontinue the prescription thinking that it is not working whereas it is not so. If you want to discontinue a medication that was given to you by a qualified physician before you stop it, always seek the physician’s counsel. Otherwise, it may cause more harm than good to your health. That your body reacted to it at the beginning is not an automatic ticket for discontinuance. 

When symptoms seem to continue still at the initial time. It is not a very good idea not to follow the directive given for any drug. In most cases, the prescriptions are given after a series of tests and diagnosis. You would ignore the test result and not follow the prescription. It is detrimental to health and your general wellbeing. Don’t just discontinue the drug but consult from your physician. It is a myth to assume that because some symptoms persist at the initial stage, the drug is not working. It is not true. Give it some time and follow the prescription given.

Lack of trust in the judgment of the healthcare worker. This is another huge reason most people do not continue with their medication. They do not trust the person that gave them the medications. However, this is another myth to be demystified. You must have walked into the place, discuss your health issue with the health worker, and based on the things you said, the physician conducts some test and places you on the drug with specific instruction. If you never trusted them, you wouldn’t have gone in there in the first place instead of jeopardizing your life. 

Therefore, there are not sufficient reasons for not following a physician prescription. That is why Curaizon is here to help every patient and healthcare center to ensure that the right prescriptions are given and that the prescriptions are followed regimentally by the patient.

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