Bitter Sweetness Life Journey

My name is Ayu, I was born in Java. But now I settled in Bali with my parents. Kartika Sari and I Wayan Durma they are the people who have raised me for fourteen years. I'm an only child. So, when I'm at home I have no opponent. That's when I use my time to learn and help ease the burdens of my parents while working. My father was a woven bamboo craftsman, but his income was small. He began to make woven bamboo his work depends on the consumers who order wicker. My mother is a batik craftsman. My mother's income is slightly larger than my father. In this Bali area, a lot of batik enthusiasts, especially batik Denpasar as his trademark. On this occasion my mother began to take advantage of the situation.

I do love to help my parents, but I also do not forget my main task as a student to study. In my spare times, I spent on answering questions or repeating the lessons I learned at school. So no wonder if I always excel in school because of my intelligence and expertise.

I'm an innocent child, I do not have many friends. My schoolmates keep away from me. They are reluctant to play with me. Is it because I'm poor? I do not know, I do not understand what they think about me. They dare first to meet me when they need me and take advantage of my intelligence and expertise. I do not mind all this. I do not want to have many enemies. There was only one innocent girl with the same bangs as me who wanted to be my best friend. She is Gloria, my seatmate. Gloria is a good girl, diligent and intelligent. But unfortunately he has a careless nature. Gloria is very shrewd in moving her body while dancing. His fingers are very tapering. So no wonder if he always won the traditional dance festivals in Bali.

Suddenly my cell phone vibrates and I spend my time reading one short message, out of curiosity. "Yu, batik craft for tomorrow have you finished?" It was a short message from my best friend, Gloria. "It's already Glori, my batik craft has been done two days ago. How about you? You're done yet? "I asked curiously. "Not Yu, it seems today I will finish." "Incidentally, how about I help you finish the batik craft?", "No need Ayu, I do not want to bother. I often trouble you. "" No problem. For me it's just the first step. You do not bother me at all. "" Uncle Ayu, I can finish as soon as possible "," Bener nih not anything? "" Yeah okay. If you see me tomorrow then! "," See you tomorrow also Glori! "I said, ending the brief conversation.

The next day, as usual I walked to school for a kilometer. I arrived early. I walk at dawn. I did this routine, because my parents did not have a vehicle. My parents' income was only enough to eat everyday, not to mention paying the debt. But, I do not mind doing this, because I intend myself to study. I'm walking in a crowded atmosphere filled with traffic. Why? Because my house is in a market area that many pass by domestic and foreign tourists who usually they go through this road to buy pieces of hands that will be brought home.

After fifteen minutes had passed, the dawn began to see the light, the atmosphere grew more crowded and many of my schoolmates passed by me with their parents in private vehicles. They pass me by without speaking. Wear a blue white uniform that comes with school attributes. Yes, they will definitely go to school.

A few minutes later, from a distance I saw the fence that would be closed by Mr. Satpam. My heart is getting more and more calm and my heart is pounding so fast, because I know I'm going to be late and I'll lose some knowledge, for not taking the first and second lessons. At that moment, I hurried to take a long step, running like a breeze quickly. I do not think about the risks that will happen. Sure enough, I fell and without realizing it, the basket I brought from the house fell, and my merchandise was ruined. BRAAAAKK !!! "Aw, oh ... my gosh what is this ?? !!!" I said with a worried expression and tone. "Actually, the cakes that made the mother fall alla ... hikss." Immediately, I started crying, I do not know what I should do but express my situation. My eyes could not hold back my tears slowly out of my eyelids, because the cakes that should be sold out had to come in contact with dust and asphalt. I always sell my mother's traditional cakes at school. I'm not ashamed. I want to lighten my parents' burdens.

At that time, people passing through the streets where I was scratched by minor injuries began to help me slowly. "Are you okay?" Asked a road rider. "It's okay, I only suffered minor injuries." I say, because I do not want to trouble the other road riders.
Asphalt managed to sculpt my knees. My knee is now covered with thick red fluid. I was forced to withhold this pain when I was about to continue my journey to school. Upon arriving at school, I could not attend the first and second lessons, because I had to keep the fence for a while.
"Duuuhhhh ... Ayu where ya ?? !! Soon the first lesson will begin. Not as usual he is like this .. "said the word is spoken from the mouth of Gloria who was in the class, for fear of Ayu's condition that never came.

seconds for the sake of seconds telahku miss, minute by minute telahku go through, up to the solar began to emit Rays that began burning. soon have arrived my time to enter the school environment. i've impatient. I want to immediately get the science of a new one. because i'm a little disappointed with myself careless morning. kreeeekkk "you are allowed to enter, other times do not too late Yes" Mr. security guard opened the way for me. "Yes Sir, thank you" I extremely grateful, i've impatient met with friends and my teacher. arrival in class, the state of the class very noisy, there are some friends who mengusikku. "yaaeelah, why the hell the Hicks come, whereas already that good had him no at this class." "know NIH, make ambience class so hot Aja!" Yes, it is an example diatribe from a friend my class. they are often chided-makiku. they just looking at me next to the eye. but I always ignore it. I don't want to search of a problem. "where wrote the hell you? this hour Kok new come?" asked Gloria due to worry about. "Yes Glo, before I already come am really from home, possibly because my path slow." I replied to glori unsuspecting. "Loh, Kok daganganmu are exhausted? you trade first Yes?" asked Gloria while force take basket daganganku. "awww ...", "Loh, you why Yu?" "duuuhhh .. eesstt" spontaneous I hold the cuts me while berdesah. "I was accidentally jatoh Glo." forced I honestly because Gloria the mendesakku. "jatoh where? how can? you hell no carefully. continue daganganmu also jatoh?" reaction Gloria in a state of worry. "Glo you ask his one one Dong. I also don't know how I can jatoh. maybe because I rush for gate was willing to closed." "Oh gituu, continue to goods daganganmu?". "Oh Yeah forget me to say. goods daganganku also jatoh. i'm confused how do I give news at my mother. I was afraid my mother angry Glo." I explained. "Yes it, if so you say fine first with mother you. you explain all." said Gloria advise. immediately atmosphere class rowdy switch a quiet. Yes, true only, lessons will further started. lessons cultural Arts, lessons I enjoy doing. "today mother will take the value of the art of craft batik already mother gave his job on the last week. that is not bring it forced mother empty the value. and you are not allowed in the lessons mother for one week." said art teacher culture firmly. "asgata, Oh Ayu ..., how iniiii. I lupaaaa ... its job has not been my complete." said Gloria, panic. "Loh Kok can? instead semalem you that remind me?" asked me curious. "Yes, but yesterday I invited to the streets to the Beach at my parents sudden. after after that, I am back at home. I got home about six o'clock afternoon. because I kecapean, I directly to sleep." I don't heart with the state of Gloria, although this mistake own, I still not the heart. kusodorkan batik with a bandage black plastic already I made for four days hard hopeless. "what's this?" asked Gloria. "it, you take only this. later will I made another Kok.", "tttttaapii, ...". said Gloria, could not menerukan talk because I directly interrupt. "it, you take only. I don't anything." I said to convince. "that was not the problem Yu, taapii ...", "Hey you are in the back of the earlier that mother hear the sound you only. if you don't want to join the lessons mother, please out! and are gak bring task batik please come out!" exclaimed mom miRNA, teachers here culture. so I with sigapnya move left the class. arrival time home school, as usual, I still carry bag and your cart my take. in the way home school I still in the state of the same, and I walked with pincangnya because incident morning. I limp, with the state of this made me more and I can see the Palace my little. Yes, true i'm a little late to at home. arriving at home I live in throw some questions from my mother. "merchandise behavior Ora?". "Ora, mom." I ventured to be honest, in order to my mother's not angry because ulahku. "laah continue iki merchandise NE Neng endi?" "merchandise NE collapsed mom." "laah, piye after all." "I collapsed in dalan mom. and merchandise NE also collapsed. nuwun mom, I Ora sengojo.", "duh gustii gustiii ... Yo Wes, want opo mene. Koe ngganti clothes there!" "Yo mom" Yes, everything is unable to inevitable. I do the dumb. I made more debt parents me to their money back. Yes, day to day has passed. still as usual, I routine walk to school. until one day, I heard there will be a cultural festival which will be held the weeks this. I am interested heard good this. then this news soon I share to my best friend. who else if not Gloria. "gloriaaa ... !!" I call him with teriakanku that squeaky this. "Yes Ayu why? it looks like today you look more spirit ?! what?". "heheee .. soon there will be art festival in the Kuta Beach. you have to take the NIH !!". I explained by the passion. "waahh, if so accompany me sign up now! you also have to come!" said Gloria. "would I go, I want to once won the festival that!" I said vigorously. 

Arriving at the registration hall, I did not bring my allowance. While my daily allowance is not enough to register. How can I register for the festival. I looked confused. I'm nervous. By putting on a face like this Gloria seems to know my problem. "What is wrong with you? Looks like you look very anxious. Ooohh, I know where your problem is. You have no money do not you? "Gloria asked. I immediately nodded my head as a 'yes' sign language. "You do not have to worry, I have more money for us to register together. Since you helped me yesterday, it's time for me to reciprocate your kindness. "Hearing the news, my sad expression turned into a hopeful expression. With the help of Gloria I can be one of the people who signed up as participants of Indonesian cultural festival batik representing my school. While Gloria enlisted as a traditional dancer the same as her hobby.

Four days have passed, tomorrow is the highlight of the show. I'm ready to go tomorrow. So it is with Glo. This cultural festival is held for thirteen hours WITA. This year's cultural festival was attended by more than thousands of participants. Glo and I are very enthusiastic, although we know the chance to win is too small.

The next day, Glo and I went together to the beach area of ​​Kuta, the festival was held with accompanied by their respective parents. I have prepared and brought my batik equipment. While Glo brought his dance equipment. It did not take days to pass, it was time for the opening of the festival to begin. The opening of the festival is a Balinese traditional dance that is Kecak dance.

The opening of the festival is very festive. All the visitors gave a standing ovation at the end of the show. We also do other custom rituals. Like a traditional ceremony for our ancestors.

Days, it was time for Gloria to showcase her dancing talents in public. From a distance I saw the dancing Glori very shrewd. He danced Pendet dance. He looked more graceful. His eyes are very sharp. His gaze made my sense of vision sliced. The crowds took pictures. At that time I continued to make batik my work. Starting from making patterns, heating wax and carving one by one white cloth using canting. There is no difficulty that I experienced. Everything is running smoothly. I started to carve slowly. Starting from small patches to form a floral motif. Gradually the cloth I had brought from home changed color. Originally pure white without stains but now, the cloth symbolizing the sacred symbol has carved a very exotic floral motif. I carve and continue to carve batik. It was getting dusk. I must teach my time to accomplish my precious work. Because in this way is the beginning that I will achieve. The beginning of everything.

Exactly at seven WITA, the coloring process I have done. What I'm doing right now is waiting for the water in my batik cloth. Yes, it is very long is not it? I remain patient and I am very excited today. I do not feel tired at all.

Finally the time I've been waiting for has arrived. My batik cloth is dry. I looked and continued to look at the batik of my work. So beautiful if it is dry. I immediately gave my batik to the jury named Ni Made Ayu Jelantik. My hope is getting bigger for this festival.

The moment I've been waiting for has arrived. Soon there will be a closing and the winner of the festival contest which is hosted by Mayor of Denpasar, Bali. The prize is unmitigated. The main winner will be given cash of Rp, - and is entitled to join the national cultural festival competition. This is my greatest hope. I want to keep working to the other country. I want the people who have excluded me from looking at me again.

"Well, I'll read and give the prize to the winner tonight," said the mayor. "For the winner of the best dancer category fell to Gloria Valensia. To the winner please go up the stage. "Further pack the mayor. "Waaahhhh, congratulations Glo, finally that you will be achieved as well." I said. "Yes thank you, hope you can catch up with me later!" Exclamation Gloria encouraged me. "And for the favorite batik winner fell to Agnes," said the mayor. Here my hopes are starting to disappear. Yes, Agnes. He is the one who has been isolating me. On the stage I saw from the distance his eyes turned to me. He still had time to excommunicate me. But this is all I can think of. I do not care if I do not win. And I decided to go home.

"Daannn, the first winner of the category of the best batik and the favorite fell to the ... Ni Made Ayu ... Congratulations to Ayu, please catch up with his friend on stage." Said the mayor continued. Immediately, I suddenly stopped my step. Running down the road is minimal. My expression filled with regret turned to beaming. Really I never thought it would be like this. "Waah, what I said, surely you will catch up with me here." Gloria said encouragingly. "Hehee thank ya Glo." I say out of words.

Next is the award presentation. This gift will be for my parents. In exchange yesterday I had dropped my mother's merchandise. After that, then I shook my two friends with facial expression that is very happy ria.

That's a story I've had five years ago, now I'm a student at Chicago University, an American major in art. I do not want to just let go of my talent. I will always honing my talent. Because, because art is I can get scholarships to the country across. Here I learned while trading batik. I took my time to make batik in my spare time. Thank God, I get a lot of advantages in this place. And I will continue to erode the science in this place. Along with Gloria, my best friend. This is the end of my story.

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