Culture Brings People Together, Multiculturalism is No Culture

Culture is not based on genetic race, its a core set of values, etiquette, and language that allows people to work together. Without a common language we cannot communicate with each other. Without etiquette we have no method for showing respect to each other. Without a core set of values conflict arises leading to instability. There are other aspects of culture that tend evolve around religions, technology, food, etc. The core of any culture is values, etiquette and language.

Multiculturalism is no culture. It does the opposite of culture, instead of bringing people together it separates them through identity politics. Suppose you have two polar opposite cultures living in the same area. What do you think is going to happen? The obvious, conflict over time. In multicultural societies, the dominate culture, might be able to enforce relative peace between the two groups through policing, it won't resolve the core conflicts between those people.

Civilization developed over time through agriculture, trade and war. According to Dunbar's number humans can only handle around 150 stable social relationships. The excess production of food from agriculture allowed for dramatically increased populations far beyond Dunbar’s number. It also freed up labor to pursue other industries. This lead to abundance and eventually trade. Trade leads to wealth and eventually war. Why work for something when you can take it?

As cities developed it was necessary for culture to keep the people together. This happened by violence, edict or naturally (usually a combination). People needed to come together for organization and defense. Interestingly when one nation is conquered by another the superior culture tends to assimilate the other. Superior culture: being defined by net benefit to the population. The only way for the inferior culture to maintain dominance is through violent oppression. This is difficult to maintain long term.

I won’t go into great detail in this post, its for this reason I think communism will collapse in China. Freedom is far more beneficial to populations than communism.

The idea of libertarians and free market capitalist is to build civilization around the concept of individual rights and freedoms or voluntarism. Instead of the strong forcing the weak to do something, individuals come to mutually beneficial agreements and transactions. This has never been fully implemented, there is a lot of historical evidence that shows the more individual freedoms people have the more prosperous society is.

A recent example of this is the Chinese economic reforms, where a communist country had limited capitalist reforms implemented resulting in an economic boom. Zerohedge has an interesting related article to this.

The Marxist didn’t get their communist revolutions by labor in the west because capitalism creates prosperity. They needed new strategy. Jordan Peterson explains this better than I ever could.

Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism | Jordan B Peterson.

CULTURAL APPROPRIATION is a good thing. If a culture has something good lets share it. If we really want to play the culture appropriation then no one wins. Since the cultural Marxist tend to attack white people for this, consider how much culture revolves around technology for a minute. Then consider how technology white people invented. Lets share the good of cultures and drop the retarded.

Older related post: Some Thoughts on Free Market Capitalism, Diversity and Tolerance and Abortion, Eugenics and Demographics

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