The Beauty of the traditional patterns

I had visited the Tae Go Sa temple several days ago. Tae Go Sa means literally ‘most old temple’. The name Tae Go Sa is very popular in Buddhist Temple. I don’t know the reason why. When I have chance to meet the Monk, I will ask him the reason.

Original Tae Go Sa had been built more than 1400 years ago. But this temple was burned during the Korean War 1950-1953.
After Korean War the temple was established.

The Tae Go Sa temple is located deep in Daw Doon San mountain. It is not easy to approach.

There were so many awesome scenery around the Temple.
Today I’d like to introduce the patterns of the door of the temple. Let me show you another things next time.

The Front board of the temple was written in Golden color. Actually this is really gold.

It was written very well in my view. Well balanced and it have it’s unique beauty.

I took the pics of the windows. The patterns and designs were little bit different in each buildings.

The first was as below

another type of the patterns

I couldn’t take the full window pics regretfully.
I think I need to visit the temple once more.

The patterns were carved by wood and handmade.

There were the Dragon Patterns on the window.

There were 4 different colours of Dragons.

Similar dragons were carved on another window

Colours of Dragons were Blue, Red, Yellow and Green.

There were interesting point on the Dragon.
Did you notice the eyes of dragon.
Yes, right.
They are looking at different direction.
It looks funny, but I think there are reason why.
In my opinion, they are looking at against evils from all directions.

The dragons were carved under the eaves.

There must be connected meaning that I don’t know.
Anyway I need to visit once more.
I have lots of things to ask.

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