Some of the Most Famous Traditional Dances in Aceh


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Indonesia is a country rich in regional culture. In each province has its own culture and characteristics that make culture in Indonesia diverse.

The cultural diversity includes traditional musical instruments, traditional clothes, traditional houses, traditional weapons, and also traditional dance. Countless more Indonesian cultural riches.

Aceh has become one of the provinces which has a great care for ancestral culture. Even dance in Aceh has been recognized by the world, namely UNESCO.

Therefore, traditional dance in Aceh is very proud and maintained its cultural values. This dance culture is maintained not only by the older generation, but also continued by the young generation of Aceh.

Culture in Aceh is an assimilation between local people and Islamic culture so that dance in Aceh also varies in each coastal region. This very rich cultural treasury adds to the attractiveness of Aceh in the eyes of local or foreign tourists.

Compiled from various historical and cultural sources in Aceh, following the most famous traditional dance variations in Aceh.

Saman's dance


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Who else doesn't know this dance? Saman dance is often staged at welcoming events and state events so that its popularity has traveled overseas.

This Saman dance has even been recognized by UNESCO as a cultural treasure of Aceh. The creator of this dance was an Acehnese scholar named Syech Saman and came from the Gayo Highlands.

Formerly this traditional dance is the Gayo ethnic dance which is the oldest race on the coast of Aceh. This Saman dance was once used as a medium for spreading Islam.

This dance movement is very energetic, fast, and requires cohesiveness. This dance is usually accompanied by poems in Aceh and Arabic.

Saman dance does not use musical instruments. Dancers make use of the sound produced by clapping hands, claps on the chest, and thighs. This harmonious dance movement amazes anyone who sees it.

Aceh Laweut Dance


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The word 'laweut' means blessings or praise to the Prophet Muhammad. Dances originating from Kab. Pidie, Aceh is usually danced by 8 dancers in white clothes and 1 singer.

The movements are similar to saman, only in laweut dance, dancers do it by standing. Formerly this dance was also used to spread Islam.

Rapai Geleng Dance


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The Rapai Geleng dance is almost the same as the saman dance. The difference is in rapai shaky, accompaniment of dancers using rapai musical instruments, a type of small tambourine. Now this rapai is known as a tambourine. This dance comes from the Mangosteen area, South Aceh.

This dance is usually played by 11 to 12 male dancers. The level of difficulty is also quite high. His movements are fast and require compactness. Cross-movement among the dancers makes this dance quite interesting to watch.

Tarek Pukat dance


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This dance is quite unique because its movements describe the activities of fishermen in the coastal area. Formerly the people of Aceh did earn a living as fishermen so it was natural that this dance was inspired from there. This dance is often at official events, welcoming guests or certain celebrations.

The dance is played by around seven female dancers. The music uses traditional musical instruments. The costume worn is a traditional Acehnese outfit with several strings of strings strung while dancing.

Its movements are like pulling a fish net. The rope the dancer carries is hooked up, removed and then wrapped around the next friend to form a net.

Those are some of the traditional Acehnese dances that are quite popular in the world and are very much preserved by their cultural values.

Hopefully Fun and exciting


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