Belgian beer culture: Chimay - an authentic Trappist beer with a core value


Chimay is an authentic Trappist beer, brewed in the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Scourmont in Chimay in the Belgian province of Hainaut. This means that it is brewed within a Trappist monastery, under the supervision and responsibility of the monastic community, which is involved in the entire exploitation process of the beer. Every year about 170,000 hectoliters of beer are brewed.

The Abbey of Scourmont

During the summer of 1850, a small group of monks settled on the wild highland of Scourmont near Chimay. A farm, a brewery and a cheese factory were built around the monastery. The Abbey of Scourmont stood at the cradle of various economic activities, which led to regional development.

The first Chimay beer was brewed in 1862. The beer was then only bottled in bottles of 75 centilitres. The first deliveries of the beer were done by the fathers themselves: they took care of a door-to-door delivery on foot.

During the First World War, the brewery was closed after the copper brewers had been seized. During the Second World War, the monks were chased away by the German army, which used the abbey as a barracks and destroyed the brewery.

The brewing activities had to be rebuilt from scratch after the war. This was the task of Father Théodore (1913-2002), who followed brewery sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven. Since the seventies of the twentieth century, the filling of the bottles has been moved to an industrial establishment in Baileux, a village located between the abbey and the city of Chimay. The cheese factory and a visitor center are also located there.



The abbey guarantees respect with a core value: ethics. This is used throughout the process of manufacturing and commercializing the products, in particular on the following points:

  • The income from the sale is largely spent on mutual social assistance.
  • Particular attention is paid to the moderate consumption of the products.
  • Respect and appreciation for the people who contribute to the manufacture of the products.
  • Manufacture based on 100% natural and protected ingredients.


Red Chimay (Chimay rouge): a copper-colored beer with an alcohol content of 7%. It is the oldest of the current Chimay beers. The beer has a soft, fruity taste and should be drunk at a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees. It is best not to be kept for more than a year.


White Chimay (Chimay triple): an amber colored beer with an alcoholic strength of 8%. It is the youngest of the Chimay beers. The beer should also be drunk young, at a temperature of about 6 to 8 degrees. In 1996, the Blanche was renamed Chimay triple to avoid confusion with white beer. (white beer and wheat beer are lighter in color than most other ales and made with a higher proportion of wheat)


Blue Chimay (Chimay bleue): a brown beer with an alcohol content of 9%. The taste continues to develop a few years after brewing, so the beer can best be stored for several years before it is drunk. It is recommended to drink it at a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees. It was initially launched as a Christmas beer, but after the great success it was decided to offer it permanently. It is a dark beer with a powerful aroma and a complex taste.The beer has an aroma of fine herbs.The aftertaste is relatively dry with a touch of caramel.

Interested in Belgian beers? Check out my other post about Leffe. More Beers are coming soon!

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