A couple thoughts on culture war.


By now, we've all seen conservatives somewhere between "making snide comments" and "bent out of shape" over Dr. Seuss, a cartoon skunk, and the gender of a plastic toy potato, and we've all certainly had a good laugh at those folks more than once for this sort of idiocy. Let's face it.... they people whining about the gender of a toy potato are doing a fine job of looking like idiots with no help required from the rest of us.

With that example firmly in place, I'd like to offer some advice and an opportunity for a moment's reflection for my friends on the left:

When you make "they must be compensating for something" or other sex/gender related cracks about gun-owners, you look dumb. While it's true that men own most of the guns in this country, there are of shooters who don't fall into the "guy who thinks guns make him masculine" category, and many of them are women and other people (across the gender spectrum) that don't associate themselves with masculine traits.

In general, if you're trying to insult someone's gender/sex/sexuality.... you're probably on the wrong side of the better world that most of us want.

You are welcome to insult me personally in any way that makes you feel better, but please give a moment's thought to whether you want to be that person in public.

This is a tiny issue, unworthy of any long discussion, but if you're prone to using a person's sex/gender/sexuality as an insult, I hope you'll reconsider.

Leave the culture war to the Tucker Carlson minions.

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