Things you may have been wondering for years

It is probably time for you to give scientific answers to these things that you probably thought most of them before. What are the answers to these mysterious questions that we see in our daily lives?

1 Why don't we feel the rotation of the earth ?


We (according to the equator) are the passengers of a vehicle moving at 1670 kilometers per hour. Imagine we've even traveled a kilometres while reading these lines. But we do not feel that speed. Because our atmosphere keeps pace with this speed of the Earth. To better understand, let's give an example:
Imagine that you are travelling on an aircraft that travels at 1,670 kilometers per hour. But the plane is dark outside, so there is nothing to understand that you look around and move around. When you are reading your book, it is as if you are sitting on your sofa, sitting on your couch. But you do not realize that you travel at 1670 kilometers per hour. Because everything in the airplane, hostesses, tables, service plates are moving with you. The world is moving in the same way with the atmosphere and it is not possible to feel this speed.


2 Why are the HoneyBeeCombs Hexagonal?


Scientists have proved as result of their researches that the most efficient way of storing is sixfold. Starting from the edge of the borders, which are based on maximum use, the bees complete the pouches with perfect hexagons in the middle. This great mathematical scheme is not possible with other geometric forms. Circles, pentagons and octagons will always have spaces. Square and triangular are the most ideal shape of a hexagon to divide an area optimally with the least amount of material as the wall circumference required to fill the same volume will be more.

This is a formal reflection of millions of years of instinctively saving behavior of the bees. A variety of predators, such as bears after honey, are constructed by aiming to win from the ground in order to avoid competing animals; because the fewer in the field the more honeycomb the nest or hive becomes the more efficient storage and breeding region. In summary, it is the result of adaptation in the evolutionary process.


3 Why do you get itchy when you see someone itching?


Findings show that contagious behavior is not only in humans but also in many other living things. In the past days researchers in Science have observed that this behavior is also present in rats in experiments on mice. The mouse used in the experiments showed a picture of another eye that was constantly itching through the video. The mouse exhibited the same itchiness behavior in the visible thirds of the itchy rat in the video that was shown to him. The researchers who examined the active nerve in the brain region, followed by the mouse showing itchy mouse video, sleep-wakefulness and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) region responsible for the biological clock.

In the following experiments, the nerves in the SCN region; mice were found to secrete a nerve cell protein, GRP (gastrin realizing peptide), before they exhibited contagious itching behavior. Previous research has identified GRP as involved in the link between the skin and spinal cord, which leads to the development of itching behavior.

This work, which also overlaps previous findings, suggests that contagious itching behavior is not a process of empathy for the body or of physiological reasons; on the contrary, it was determined that the brain was a coded response other than the control of the individual.

4 Why do people use their language during kissing?


The answer to this question is hidden in the evolutionary process. According to scientists, kissing helps to choose a wife who can give strong children, just like touching and smelling. The fact that people do not have a strong sense of smell makes use of language compulsory. So you will understand that we are closing the weakness of our nose.

Why do not kissing feel disgust when we see saliva on the spot? The biggest factor that helps us in this matter is sexual nudgings. The pleasure and secretion of the pleasure taken while kissing prevents us from disgusting. The body is a kind of '' I am a friend of mine, no mixing, it is disgusting '' he says.

In addition, kissing strengthens the immune system. We have many useful bacteria that help our immune system. When we are kissing, these organisms are shared between two people.


5 Why Chilly Peppers are Chilly?


Because there is a substance called pepper in chilly pepper. Capsaicin is a compound in the mouth that stimulates a receptor (TRPV1) receptor. TRPV1 is actually temperature sensitive, and when it comes into contact with heat, it sends a message to the brain, stimulating the nerve cell it is on: "It's so hot!"

It's the ability to stimulate these receptors in the pepper pot. In other words, it gives the feeling that something like this happens before the temperature rises, and warns the brain against a danger that is not happening. So after eating chilly pepper "our mouth is burning", "it gets hot".

Drinking water after your bitterness is useless, because it is dissolved in oil rather than water, but buttermilk is good because it contains oil. The adjacent oil removes the pain of the mouth by cleansing the covering of the mouth, but the water is only temporary because of its coldness.

6 Why Planes wings are in a V shape?


The reason for this design is to get rid of the shock losses at higher speeds by raising the critical mach number.

The critical mach number is the number of cruising machs that leads to one of the mach numbers exceeding any point in the aircraft wing. The main reason why aircraft can fly is the difference in pressure created between the top and bottom of the wing. For this purpose, the pressure is reduced by increasing the flow rate on the wing; but at speeds close to the speed of sound, the speed of sound on the wing is exceeded and the shock wave develops. This is undesirable because the shock raises the static pressure, causing the load to drop. There is also the risk of shock waves leading to flow separation. To avoid this situation, the wings are placed in the plane of the aircraft so that the geometry of the wings is re-glance and the horizontal angle is alpha.

In this case, only the chordwise component of speed, ie the speed of the aircraft, will accelerate through the sin (alpha) component. Thus, the critical mach number is increased and the shock losses are reduced to a certain point.


7 Why Some People Pass Out when they see Blood?


The vagus sinus, one of 12 skull nerves, extends from the brain stem through the neck and crest to the stomach. Actually, this nerve part of the parasympathetic ("eat" and "rest") nervous system causes the blood pressure and heartbeat to fall in response to an unusual situation such as hunger and thirst, long standing, excessive laughter, sudden fear or blood sight. In the end, we lose our consciousness and fall down. The idea of falling may be frightening, but our body protects itself in this way and goes to a horizontal position, allowing blood and oxygen to go to our brain.

When we see blood, it can depend on genetics, hormone levels, or traumatic events we are experiencing. In all likelihood, if it is our own blood flow, it would be beneficial to be lying dead in dangerous situations, or at least to reduce the bleeding by the drop of the blood pressure.


8 Why Some People Perceive Objects in Different Colors?


It's about the processes in the brain where the brain perceives colors. This is also caused by the fact that blue light is often used on LED screens and blue-blindness / numbness. In different light conditions, the brain can perceive objects in different colors.

Our brains can automatically detect the dark colors of the colors of the remaining materials and the remaining light in the shadow. Because our brain is often unable to process all the data coming from the environment and uses the data in our memory to describe roughly what objects it can not perceive exactly.


9 How can We Remember Our Dreams?


It is almost all of us; It is difficult to remember dreams. In fact, if a dream lasts before we wake up, we do not remember this dream. The brain process that enables us to create long-term memory is passive at the time of sleep. That is why we forget the vast majority of dreams we have just woken up shortly before we wake up.

For example; norepinephrine, a very important neurotransmitter in memory; such as the prefrontal cortex where electrical activity is seen for long-term memory, are very low in dreams. As the brain wakes up, it begins to activate the processes necessary for long-term memory. So, if we wake up from a dream, we have a much better chance of remembering this dream.

The emotional content and logical consistency of a dream is also influential when we remember how much of our dreams are. A work done; less logical dreams were remembered more difficult than the dream, which is a clear and organized story line. Unforgettable is the most appropriate dreams - the black and bright, emotional dreams - accompanied by the revival of the brain and body, and are more likely to awaken us.


10 Why do women get their period?


Some hormones are secreted from the brain in the cycle of menstruation. These secreted hormones are stimulated by ovulation. In this case, when the egg meets sperm, it is fertilized and appropriate conditions are set for the womb placement of the fertilized cell. If the pregnancy has not occurred, this structure will be poured out with the period. Then the process of preparing for a new period begins.

The first day of the regl bleeding is considered the first day of the beginning of the regl cycle. This process initiates secretion by supporting the GnRH hormone-phospholipid stimulator, which is secreted from the area known as the hypothalamus present in the brain. With the effect of the FSH hormone, one of the ovaries comes to a bowl called a follicle. This cuticle contains an egg cell. When the ripening process is complete, the eggs are released from this cuticle. At the same time, with the effect of estrogen hormone, the inner lining of the uterus continues to develop. In this way, the uterus will be prepared where the embryo will settle in a possible fertilization. If the pregnancy does not occur, the uterus is discharged from the body together with blood during the period of the inner layer. Briefly, ovulation and periodic vision are managed by the brain. For this reason, the period of the period may be delayed due to external factors such as stress.

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