How to build your brand on auto pilot using a signature banner


Ok, So I have been compiling and sorting the art work for some new and exciting promotions and events and decided it was also time to create a more up to date branded signature image for by personal blogging here on PEAKD and the Hive Chain.

You can see in the new signature banner I have included the logos for current projects. In one way it's a show of support for the brand and in another way it's also offering exposure to readers and subscribers and with consistency the brand becomes familiar (known) and eventualy trusted and recognized for what the logo represents.

So by including one or more logos in your signature banner you are building your brand or multiple brands consistently on auto pilot.

Don't stop with just one design!
Experiment with different colour schemes and fonts, backgrounds and borders etc, dont be afraid to get creative.

I'm really not sure if I will stick with this new signature banner, it's just the first draft and I still have more ideas and other brand logos to promote, So... Maybe I'll experiment further with a few more designs.

Use signature banners for personal and logo brand awareness on your blog and in your email signature for more exposure. That's just a couple of ways to do it...

The Lazy but some times expensive way...
There is another option, instead of doing the art work yourself... Find someone who will do it for you... Some people are really good at what they do and they may even do some creative art work for you for a relatively low price, which is great, but if you need a lot of art work or banners for your promotions or projects then it could end up being expensive and that's ok too provided you have included it in your marketing budget and the costs are offset by the business plan.

Maybe you could connect with a graphic designer here inside the Hive Communities? There are lots of artistic creatives on Hive.

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Azenza Health and Lifestyle

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