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Is Content Creation Evergreen?

CTP BP Weekly Update #102.jpg

Hello, awesome people!

Welcome to the CTP Blueprint Weekly!

Today I'll be writing as my tiring face is not even in a minimum condition to vlog lol

This will complement the recent Crypto Mondays when I considered content creation as a evergreen product!

Last week I talked a bit about what is an Evergreen Product in Online Marketing and Business and you can always go in-depth with them with The Pizza Plan!

No matter how boring they are and how much effort you have to put into them, you will need and use them forever, content creation is no exception as one post you create even if it was a long time ago, is online forever especially here on Hive! And it can be seen and read and it can even be useful today and the reader can start following you!

Adding the right tags and attracting graphics and subject lines can be a good way to extend your content lifespan longer!

Another great way to extend its lifespan, and forgive my shameless promotion, is through ListNerds! Already tested this myself and many other members are still doing it, sharing old posts and dusting them off with a well-written mail or a cool graphic can give those posts new life as new readers can find them and engage with them!

So, is content creation evergreen?

I believe it's the most powerful marketing tool ever!
Even before every other evergreen product out there!

It is the one that takes the most time and effort for sure but should be the first thing you should use and improve every day so you can extend its lifespan and make it "greener"!

There are people out there with zero experience in Marketing and having great results just by simply sharing their experience with the product or service!

There are great examples here on Hive but I do want to highlight someone from "the outside".

I have a friend whose background is in wellness and well-being and I believe it's her first time being an affiliate of a product. I said in the webinar that it is a weight-loss product but it is a bit more than that that's another story that maybe I will tell later! And even though she said that she's still little in the game, she managed to create videos, images and stories through Instagram about her experience with the product! And of course, got my attention and she was always available to answer my questions and provide more resources about the product and be there for me even after purchasing the product! Simple and effective!

Heck, I have no marketing background at all besides what I created for the past few years and I managed to create CTP Blueprint and keep it alive by being out there with my Weeklys and keeping the content inside the program as fresh as possible! Today I also do customer service and answer your support tickets as part of the Affilliatech team!

Create until you are visible and then create more to keep yourself out there!

If you find it valuable and useful please comment below!

Let me know which CTP training module you want me to cover next!

Or if you have any other questions, comment below as well!
Might do a video about it to help you :)

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