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Hi Guys,

I am finally here. This post is being written on the CTP interface and it is the only "tribe" tag I will be using for the post.

This community is very active on the blockchain, and I am there too, so you probably already know me.

What you might not know is that I am a serial micropreneur who often starts micro businesses with the aim of making some extra money.

By "extra" I mean enough for a Friday Night Pizza, a set of matching shirts for the family, or a few Benjies for my crypto habit.

Because my micro businesses are mostly fun in nature, but lots of work, they tend to not be cost effective in the long run.

I do make delicious cookies for example, and I may sell a few combo plates to family around the holidays for extra Christmas gifts, but don't expect me to be baking in the summer.

And I may not feel like making cookies next Christmas and that's ok, because I may make my extra Christmas money by handwriting Christmas Cards this year.

I am ready to do more

I have a whole lot of ideas and I don't execute a lot of them. I know that baby steps make miles, so I keep going, and I keep winning, but I am ready to win faster.

I know I need focus.

And I know I need a team. I hope to find one here.

My goal is to be able to buy a plot of land.

My parents are ready to retire, and the only thing that is stopping them is a foundation to lay their home on.

They are looking for a partner to buy a big plot with them, and split the costs of building a home from scratch.

They will be ready in the next 6 months to 3 years.

I want to be in a financially strong situation to be there.

I am already buttoning up my credit

And now I need to make some money!

I have been reading how to blogs and taken online courses, and read newsletter after newsletter.

Last May I started womenandcrypto.org. I paid for a email service. The domain. The "extra" teach me SEO ad ons, etc. I got the works.

I did nothing with it.

I told myself that it was because I had a newborn.

The baby is still a baby, but almost 9 months and I still haven't done anything.


Because as many blogs as I have read, and as much as I know that Pinterest is a wealth of leads, and as much as I know that I need a newsletter, and as much as I already wrote my ebook, and as much content as I already have, I still DO NOT HAVE THE SKILLS TO PULL IT TOGETHER.

But I didn't know that two days ago.

Two days ago I still thought that all I had to do was decide, and put some time aside and my business would be launched.

Don't laugh too much at me.

I believed in Santa Claus until I was 12.

It is ok though, that I never launched womenandcrypto.org, because I envision more of a shared wealth type of project.

In order for me to be able to be comfortable sharing, I have to be RICH. It's not greed. I live in California, being RICH is the only way to be able to live comfortably.

Which is why I decided to re-launch my Tarot business

I love, love, love, love, love doing tarot readings.

I would do tarot readings all day every day for FREE if I already had the built up wealth that I needed to do whatever I wanted to all day.

Read the tarot, and blog on the blockchain.

Ah, what a life.

So that is my business.

I have been mentally planning it for a long long time, so I thought it would just kind of roll off my fingers.

The way a good essay would roll of my fingers when I was in college.

I would tell my brain that I needed an essay to be written by a certain date, and I would sit down to write it the day before and a beautiful piece of writing would emerge.

It was amazing magic.

But the kind of magic that everyone summon.

So here I was, I had the plan, I was ready to take action, I had the $$ available to buy the sites and pay the monthly fees and...

wom womp, utter and complete failure

I could not set up my shop. It was too difficult for me.

When I googled "pay someone to set up my shopify store" I was met with a wall of information, to dense for me to sort through.

I tried sorting for hours.

I got nowhere.

I will give it more time today. But I need to stop procrastinating on the how and set up a way for me to do readings now.

So I went ahead and re-opened my keen.com account.

I don't love keen. They take a percentage of my earnings. I don't even know how much because, well, I don't like them taking any of my money so I focus on what I keep.

I earn:

$1.50 per minute if they click on one listing
$0.85 per minute if they click on the other listing.

Another thing I don't love about keen is that I cannot control the flow of my chats. I am there, and if someone clicks on my profile and starts a reading, good. If they don't then, they don't. No work that day I guess.

I think that last one is more of an excuse.

I haven't really spent much time sitting around manning the keyboard, so I guess I don't really get to know how often the business comes, until I give it the time.

I have given the platform about 5 hours and I have generated $84.03 USD and Two shining reviews.

Screenshot 2021-02-23 at 11.27.44 PM.png

In two days I gave 7 readings and feel I connected with at least 6 of my clients.

This was done by simply turning on the computer and having clients land on my lap.

No marketing.

I know I need my own platform

I know that even if I build up a great audience here, they don't really belong to me, they belong to keen.

I also know that I need a newsletter to harness my own clients.

I also know that the keen site has a flow of customers, a user friendly chat, an anonymous enough interface.

I know I am both simultaneously happy to have this available, while wanting a bigger cut of what my customers spend AND being able to lower my out the door prices.

So what is the plan?

The plan is to decide on a business.

  • Tarot readings. In chat, by email and by phone.

Work with a Team -

  • CTP, I hope this loooooooong blog post doesn't scare you away.

Build a business.

  • I plan on working the hotline from 10:30 PM - 2:30 PM.

The hotline is not always hot. There will definitely be cool down periods. Where I have nothing to do except shuffle my cards.

While I was happy with the level of clients yesterday, I had a lot of lull time.

I will use that time to actively build my business.

  • Blog with CTP
  • Build my shopify store easily and slowly
  • Build my newsletter
  • Begin marketing campaigns.

I would love to hear your feedback.

PS. I did try to sign up for Keen's affiliate program but was unable to get an affiliate link.

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