Getting Started all over again! A kingneptune INTRODUCTION!

GooD Morning Crypto World!

This morning is an introductory post based upon HIVE Buzz. It is a great way to get started with the block chain. Currently I am missing my introduction post, NOT ANYMORE!

How did I get started in the Cryptocurrency World?

It has been a circuitous route that has spanned over 10 years. Wow, I can only imagine if I would have bought into BTC then? OMG! Woulda, Coulda, SHOULDA! At this point in my life it is more important to forgive myself for past mistakes/failures/shortcomings and stop beating myself up!

Daily Affirmation: I AM THE LOVE MACHINE!

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Today's post is my crypto world restart! I joined the blockchain courtesy of CTP, Click, Track, Profit almost a year ago? Wow, how time flies while the world gets caught up in, "A Thing." I will not get started on that, "THING" right now. I have and will have several posts to follow regarding slavery, brainwashing and programming.

This is my slant on the history of CTP, (DISCLAIMER: !!!!! This is MY HISTORY of the unfolding of CTP as it relates to MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!!)

Before Jon Olsen (@JonnyCoin)over into the cypto space CTP was about online affiliate marketing. CTP is still about affiliate marketing with Crypto added in.

When I got started with affiliate marketing CTP stood out for me because of Jon Olson! He provided tons of fantastic content FREE! His voiceover videos where and still are flawless!

From a toastmasters POV there are ZERO ah, ums, you know, etc, etc,. (In TM lingo, no fill-in words). At that time and currently there are ways to promote your affiliate links and/or website(s). I am sure you have heard of CLICKBANK?

At the time I entered the affiliate marketing world I was using surf engines for promoting my affiliate links. I become a lifetime member of Mr. Olsen's at, "I Love Hits".

Shortly after and/or about the same time I was introduced to CTP (Click, Track, Profit) I reiterate, this is my timeline which has been fuzzy with TIME, Hence the word, "Timeline". I (think?) I also bought a "LifeTime" subscription? Again that fuzzy timeline thing a mi jig?
The reason I chose to take advantage of the programs is because I and was introduced to a concept known as, "VALUE." Jon had and still has provided TONS of VALUE in all of his online endeavors.

This is all past history! Started today we are in the CRYPTO UNIVERSE! And Jon/Blain over at CTP are still providing New and Exciting VALUE(able) CONTENT!

ALERT: Channel Change!!!!

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Yesterday I found the BUZZ introduction, follow the link here

HIVE Buzz introduction

Currently I am working on getting my "VETERAN" status. I served in the U.S. Navy as an enlisted sailor, separating as an ET3. I jumped ship (no pun intended?) and received a commission as an U.S. Army officer. I separated from the U.S. Army as a 1LT (Armor Officer).

This has been a small microcosm into my life, more to follow.........

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I am a current student of Influence Ecology. It is the study of transactional analysis. What I am offering to you is an invitation. In a world full of possibilities, my invitation is just one of your possibilities to generate multiple and residual streams of income.

For those of you who desire to accept my invitation you can follow the links below. (AKA; Affiliate referral links)

Referral Links:

  1. Click Track Profit AKA CTP
  2. Start Earning Today
  3. The HIVE guide
  4. I Love Hits
  5. Influence Ecology

This is an invitation to speak with a client manager from influence ecology. Please mention @kingneptune (Paul) over at PeakD sent you! Josh Damigo

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