Birthday party x2

I feel like the last couple weeks have just been a whirlwind of events, planning, meetings.. all the things!

This weekend- we celebrated my son and and my nephews birthdays! They are 3 years and one day apart and they are thick as thieves so it was fun to celebrate them together.


Both boys love fish - Nemo in particular- so we did an ocean themed party to celebrate them! Sam turned 5 and Noah turned 2!



My sister and her boys recently moved to another state, so they came down for the weekend so that we could all celebrate together!

Since it was a combined party- there were a LOT of people who came, and so many kids! 😅
The party turned out really well. The boys had so much fun and ate all the yummy foods and got blessed with way too much stuff! 😂

Tonight the celebrations continued! My dad's birthday is on Thursday, so since my sister and nephews were still in town, we decided to celebrate him tonight!

A great weekend filled with way too many sweets! LOL but hey- whats a celebration without cake?!

-- Katie

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