And then there were 4....

If you have been following along for any amount of time- you know we have a little farm with a garden, some chickens, and ducks.

We have been having an issue with some of the chickens jumping out of the run and into our yard. We let them free range for most of the day, but the mornings- we reserve for our dogs to go outside, get some energy out, go potty- all those things. We have a 1/2 Huskey, so she does better in the morning before the day gets too warm.


We have some defiant chickens who will hop onto the fence of the run, and sometimes hop into our yard. Then I have to wrangle them into the run before I can let the dogs out.

It's a daily annoyance. .

Last week- all the chickens were safe in the run, so the dogs were out doing their morning business. I was about to bring them inside when I noticed 2 chickens walking along the fence. About this time- our dog saw too. She has run up to the fence before, and they usually just jump back into the run and go into their coop when she comes so I didn't think much of this.

I was playing with my son when I saw my other dog dart across the patio... I looked out the window and they were chasing a chicken!!!! 😰

I ran outside so fast! Door left open, no shoes, just took OFF!

I got to my dog JUST as she grabbed the chicken. I was SECONDS late. 😩 I pulled her inside and by this time, my son was on the patio asking about the chicken.. He kept asking- "mama.. chicken sad?" 😪

I wasn't sure how bad our girl was hurt so I got my son all set watching some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, called my husband, grabbed some gloves, and went to check on the chicken.. She was gone 😭


May was the sweetest chicken we had. She was smaller than the others and would run up to you and let you pick her up.. She will be missed on our little farm.

Hopefully the others learn from her fate and stop playing chicken (no pun intended) while our dogs are outside!🤦‍♀

Until next time..

-- Katie

Picture taken on my iPhone

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