A long weekend..

What a long week/weekend.

I ended up going to Ohio with my mom (and son) last minute to see my grandma who is not doing well. We planned to leave very early on Friday morning and get there by Friday late afternoon.

The drive was going well and then all of a sudden-- brake lights..


There was an overturned cattle trailer (empty) 10 miles ahead on a bridge.

We sat in STAND STILL traffic for 3 hours. Over the next hour we moved slowly to the next exit. Within 4 hours- we moved a total of 7 MILES! 🙃

Looking at the map apps, we decided to get off the exit and re-route through some back roads to go around the back up. This EXTREMELY adjusted out arrival time. We decided that it was probably for the best to stop for the night around 7pm since we had been up so early.

My son.. he was a rockstar! He really only stated to get fussy about the time we were stopping, but he had not napped all day and it was close to bed time.
But man, he did so so great! All things considered- he was AMAZING and enjoyed his little hotel stay!


We got up early the next morning to do the last few hours and finally made it!

I am always so shocked at how flexible and resilient my kid is! 😌

Sunday- while we were there, was my sons 2nd birthday. We were sad that daddy wasn't with us, but we wanted to do something special so I took him to some of my hometown favorite things and he had a blast!


Throughout the weekend we also saw a lot of family that we do not see often. Including Noah's great grandparents! It is not lost on me that he is beyond blessed to have 3 of his 4 grandparents alive and he has spent a decent amount of time with them all.


When we got home, he had some gifts to open from out of town family and got to play with some new toys!



All in all- it was a good weekend. Although it was hard, because we do not know how long my grandmother has left- we had a really great weekend together and are blessed to have all the time we have had!

-- Katie

All pictures taken on my iPhone

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