A good surprise this week!

It was been quite eventful the last few weeks. I have been sick on and off and just exhausted, so I have not had much energy to jump on here and post as much as I would like!

Hopefully this passes soon and I can get back to sharing about our little farm and family soon!


Early this week, I woke up early and did the normal morning chores with the animals!

When I went to let out the ducks and chickens, I opened the hatch that we use to check the for eggs and WOUDLN'T YOU KNOW IT?!? not one .. but TWO eggs!!!


FINALLY- our oldest girl is laying eggs! We have gotten about 2 a day from her so far!

We are so excited to finally get some egg production from her and cannot wait for the 4 other girls to start laying!

Once they are all laying- I think my days of having to buy over-priced eggs from the store are O V E R! Thank God! These prices are nutso!

-- Katie

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