What We're Working On...

It's coming....png

This isn't going to be a long post....

I've been so busy today working on this that I haven't had time to slow down and come up content LOL

But I think you'll understand why....

On the previous blockchain, we built this...


A step by step guide on how to use and understand the blockchain. It was a lot of fun. We used badges, added some gamification to the mix and our members really enjoyed it.

But then....

Hive happened :)

And we wanted to re-brand and re-make our little tutorial site for Hive but life got in the way. I moved across the continent this summer, that whole COVID thing was a thorn in everyone's side and it just didn't happen as quickly as we wanted it to.

However, that's about to change in a few days as we're putting the finishing touches on...


Excited doesn't begin to describe it!

We're following the same 'drip fed' method of presenting the lessons. Step by step instructions that you must complete before moving onto the next lesson...

This has been the core of @clicktrackprofit since it started in 2011...

ClickTrackProfit 9.png

(A screenshot of the inside of ClickTrackProfit.com - The first few modules new students see when they begin their journey...)

We believe this is the best way to 'onboard' new people to the blockchain.

By taking them step by step through fun and informative lessons, all while not overwhelming them with the 'super complicated' aspects of Hive.

Let them roll up their sleeves and learn by doing!

It's worked for us in all of our projects, ClickTrackProfit, BitcoinBully, SteemSavvy....So we KNOW it'll work for The Hive Guide :)

Oh man, did I mention I'm excited!!!!!!

Target launch is September 14th, but it may be a few days sooner, or later...Regardless, it's coming VERY soon!

I hope you guys really enjoy it and new people to Hive get a great kickstart on learning and diving into this amazing community!

Note: This post's beneficiary is @ctpsb We're kinda excited about this project so obviously...We wanna support it! Every post I make, 25% of the author rewards goes to members (and projects) within the CTP Tribe!


Let's grow together!!!

Come say hi and meet with the most dedicated and fired up entrepreneurs on the blockchain ...

The CTP Swarm

We're big on community!

And we'd love to have you join the CTP Swarm!



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