We are About To Experience a Great Change of Scenery

A Change of scenery.png
Let's start this post with a little joke...

In their boredom during lock down due the pandemic, the children discovered an old type-writer and Dad had to explain...

He puts a sheet of paper in it and starts typing...

The children are amazed and speechless...

"Where do you plug it in, Dad" they want to know.

"No, you don't plug it in", he replies.

"Well, where do you fit the batteries?" they want to know...

"It doesn't use any batteries" he replies again.

"Good heavens Dad, they should have made a discovery like this loooong ago already...!!"

But, We Are To Experience a Great Change of Scenery

We are about to experience a great change of scenery in the way we do business. It's not somewhere in the distant future... It's here.

I really do believe that we can expect drastic changes in the near future (much of it is already taking place and becoming a reality in life).

For quite some time now we hear about Crypto Currencies such as Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin etc. And don't forget, there are CTP tokens too now. And they all have real monetary value, anything from less than a penny to several thousands of dollars per token. Yes, you can trade and really do business exchanging these currencies.

There are even those who speculate that Crypto Currencies are eventually going to replace normal currencies as we know them today. Whether that will happen, I don't know and I'm not going to stress about it either. What I do know is that Crypto Currencies are here to stay and we can't ignore it.

As far as I do understand, the whole idea behind Crypto Currency is to decentralize the monetary system as we know it and neutralize the influence of governments in our personal finances.

I am by far not an expert on the subject, but I must admit, I am very curious to see where all this is going to lead to.

Change Is Not Only To Take Place in the Financial Markets

I've been reading for years now about drastic changes in the motor industry that we can expect in the future.

A few years ago it was amazing to just read about a vehicle that can actually drive itself. Over the past 2 to 3 years though, it is not just something that sounds as if it belongs in a sci-fi movie...it is actually a reality! These vehicles already exist and the rate of development is phenomenal.

The reasoning behind this is that not only is the aim to reduce the accident rate due to human error, thus lowering the amount of injuries and obviously the death-toll on our public roads, but it will also make us more productive.

Traveling (for the driver especially) will not be stressful and traveling time can be used more productively. Although we already have self-driving vehicles, the driver still has to be alert and "involved". Yet, I have seen television programs and read articles where they discuss experimenting and developing vehicles where you can just enter the vehicle, enter your destination on an on-board computer program, sit back and enjoy the journey....

Change of Scenery in Business

At this point you might be asking "well what does all of this have to do with how we work and do business currently"?

Well, another prediction (which is already becoming a reality) is that brick and mortar types of businesses are going to start fading away and the way forward is for businesses to go online. It will also not be necessary for staff members to physically go to an office, but they would be able to work remotely from home.

I think the situation we are all facing with this Covid-19 pandemic might speed-up this whole process. Many people are currently forced to work from home during lock down periods. Once this Covid-19 is behind us, many companies might realize that they can actually function better with staff working remotely. While having the same productivity levels, they can save on overheads, such as cutting down on office space.

At the same time, employees can start saving on travelling expenses. Not only are savings possible in monetary value, but time can be saved by cutting out travelling time.

There are also the challenges that come along with all this. While some people do have the self-discipline to work and actually be productive from home, we also have people who just can't be working from home.. This will be a test for both the company and the individual. For the company, an undisciplined individual will quickly become a burden and a liability, while for the individual, his /her job might end up being on the line in the end.

At the same time, there are currently individuals who doesn't have the privilege of being able to work from home during lock down due to the nature of his/her work.

But, maybe this is an excellent opportunity to create something for yourself.

By doing this, you can get immediate relief of stress. By keeping yourself busy (and productive), your mind won't be focused on the fear whether you are still going to have a job after lock down or whether your employer's business will survive this crisis.

At the same time, you can start creating income for yourself. Creating an income online, might just put you in the privileged situation of being able to make the choice of whether you really want to go back to your full-time employment. Or, at least you can enjoy the benefit of having a nice second income by the time you do go back.

Time To Decide

Maybe it's time to make that decision. I truly believe that business (and just about everything as we know it) is going to drastically change in the near future. As a matter of fact, I think we are about to start seeing the changes taking place right in front of our eyes.

Be pro-active instead of re-active. Don't allow the change to impact your life in a negative way by catching you by surprise. No, make the decision that will change your life in a positive way.

There are so much information online to help you make an informed decision, to help you find the business idea or opportunity which is inline with your passion. The biggest challenge, is for you to take action.

I do believe that we can not only expect to see change in the near future, it's here already. Look around you, it's busy happening.

So, make the decision. Do the research. Do your homework. Find the tools you need to make it work. Then, as Nike says, just do it.

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