

Checked the time on the clock as I pushed the trolley out of the lift. Hmmm, now 11:04am so I'll have to hurry. Got held up with the internal mail run by a staffer. He couldn't find a file, looked everywhere he reckoned. Called me over as I dropped off and picked up that section's mail.

"Hey Ian," he said, "mate, I can't find the file anywhere. Quick, the Minister's Office, they're after this one as he's got an urgent parliamentary question on that subject. We have to find it!" I dash over to John to have a look. "We'd ya seen that one last?", I blurted out. "'Twas on me desk 'bout half-hour ago", he said. "You mean this one?", I reply.

I love this job, designated the Information Officer yet really just a Chief Paper Shuffler, a heavily glorified paper boy! Yep, this boy sure feels needed around here.

The look on John's face, that was priceless! His accent, a softer shade of Scots since he's been living here in New Zealand for over 10 years.

I still remember even today the look on the faces of staff I've helped over the years. About 80% of the time, them missing files were on their desks all the time. Too panicky, staffers running around looking everywhere else. I'm the paper boy, I take my time, as I know where to look. Been delivering them files to staff for a few years now, sometimes it's like I hear the files calling me! Yes, memories of those days come flooding back sometimes.


"Got the time John", I ask. "Yep, 11:17am Ian, thanks for your help", he stutters, still too embarrassed to say much. "Right, I'm off", I say, "got a lot on so catch ya later". "Right-o", says John, "may see you at the caff for lunch". Yeah, right, that one'll be the day. He'll keep his head down at desk for the next few hours, I bet.

Major catastrophe averted, I head off for the lift with the trolley. Time to get back to my work-station and check my e-mails.

"Hold on" yells Barry. He's the Chief Veterinary Officer here at MAF Regulatory Authority. We're part of MAF, the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and the missing "F" word. We were Ag and Fish but a couple of year ago, Fisheries became their own ministry; we're still waiting for the final sign-off, to get Forestry merged with us. The missing "F" word, that was famous throughout the world in governmental circles! Yep, a real ice-breaker that one.

"Yeah, Barry, what's the prob", I say. He looks at me curiously and says "just wondering, how're gettin' on with those Import Health Standards? I understand the guys are still waiting for your input." Darn, the Biosecurity Act 1993 took effect in 1994 and we need to get those IHS set up, all 15,000 of them. We were the lead country for these standards, and we can't let the rest of the world down. They're waiting for our guide, so they can copy and paste much of what we do. Same old, New Zealand being guinea-pigged again!

"Ah yes", thinking quickly, dancing on me toes, "Brent's been away for a few days, I'll pop down and see him after lunch and get on to that", I reply. "Excellent", says Barry, "as long as you are progressing, that's the key".

Whew, that was a close one; thankfully Brent, our Chief Information Officer, had taken a break; he needed that too as he's got way too much on.

Back then, Barry was not only our CVO, he was the President of the World Veterinary Council, in effect the world's number 1 vet. Sure don't want to let him down, no not that one! He's from Australia, and been our CVO for many years.


Off again, this time into the lift for the run home. Leaving the 7th floor behind, up and away to the 13th floor. Home again, at last.

What a paper run that was! Push the trolley into my work-station just as I hear my supervisor calling my name. "Ian, over here please", calls Sandra. She's the PA to Andrew, the Chief Meat Veterinary Officer, and her boss. "Just got a call from Russ, he needs ya now, right now, wouldn't say what's up just urgent", she says in one long word. "Right, I'm off", I reply, as I grab my suit jacket and don that, and straighten my tie. No stairs for this one. No, have to look completely composed. After all, Russell's the Director-General and head-honcho and I really need that pay rise this year.

"Hey, Russ, how's things", I say as casually as I can as I stroll confidently into his swanky office. Russ and I get on well, and we occasionally lunch together at the caff when he gets a chance to take a meal break. He's a top bloke, really nice to talk to, and has friends in all the high places so we get on well together. Mates we are, just only at work.

"Got a prob", he says, "need your help on this one". Then we discuss options and I leave him smiling. That's one major political crisis he can flick, so he's relaxing. Getting to the lift, I hear him again, "hey Ian, can you do me a favour please?" he asks gently, calling me back into his office, "I need the Minister to get this, like now". "Sure", I say, "I'm off to the Beehive in a jiff anyways".


Get back to my work-station again and tell Sandra I'm off to Parliament. "Got anything for anyone down there?", I ask. Out pops Andrew and gives me an envelope. "Can you call by The Treasury on the way back and take this one to their Secretary's Office". "Sure, no prob Andrew". Check the time, going on 11:32am so have to make this trip real quick.

In the lift and gone, to the ground floor and out on to Lambton Quay. "Good morning, Mr Peters", I say as I pass the leader of the New Zealand First party. I'm respectful to him, as I should be since we're distantly related. He would later become the Deputy Prime Minister for New Zealand, a great honour for our extended family.

Into the Beehive, and thankfully a lift door is open. Up to the third floor and into the Minister's Office. No time for my usual chatter; I say, "here guys this one's from Russ for the Boss". They can see I'm in a hurry so just wave me goodbye.

Now, back to the lifts and off to The Terrace. Cutting around the Beehive, taking a short-cut, nodding to security as I go by. They know me too, and let me fly. Speed-walking, up and across the road, into The Treasury building, up in the lift to the top floor, hand off the envelope to the Secretary's secretary with a "Hi, this ones really urgent, bye", then back home. Pre-budget cycle time, that means no chance for goss.


Get back to MAF just as 12:00pm gets rung out by the Wellington Town Hall clock. Afternoon has arrived, awesome, time for lunch!

Up to the 10th floor cafetaria and check the menu. Yes, my favourite, Moroccan lamb with couscous! Finally, we have a chef whom can cook real meals! Fouad, he comes from the hill country around the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, and he's such a wonderful guy. Another country boy, like me.

Right, finally I can get on to the cryptic crossword in the Dominion Post. Let's see, what could be the answer to 12 down?



Ian Ballantine
Wellington, New Zealand
October 19, 2019.



Vanishing Point
East Coast trunk line running through central Hastings, New Zealand in April 2019, looking south-west.

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